I am not a sovereign and neither are you. We were all endowed by our Creator with the same rights and responsibilities. God who is the Creator is the only sovereign and none of us has authority or jurisdiction over anyone else.
God wrote the laws that govern the universe and the founders of our nation referred to them as the "Laws of Nature and Nature's God". The rules written by legislatures are inferior to the Laws of God. When the laws of men conflict with the laws of God the laws of God take precedent.
I have a right to do whatever I want as long as I do not violate the life, liberty or property of another human. Whenever an individual violates the rights of another they have committed a crime. No crime can be committed unless there is a victim, (Corpus Delecti). The only people who should ever be in prison are those who injure another being, human or not. If you abuse life, you should be punished. You should not be incarcerated or have your property seized for "Code Violations" or "Traffic Infractions", etc.
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I am Jus Soli, Son of American Soil by Birth, granted by the Grace of God to live by Natural Laws which is the True intent by a Republican Form. As deemed by the US & States Constns
that 2nd post went out a word at a time w/o me clikin n did this the other day also-I tried to delte them but cant
Your keys might be sticking PJ, Make sure you check that every once in awhile. I got your back.
new key board n never did elsewhere
It is of my opinion that our purported forefathers knew what they were doing by initially implementing a watered down, or a leaning towards more control over the people form of common law defined as Malum Prohibitum jurisdiction which basically relies on a legislature to invoke the rules and laws onto the people as opposed to the more ancient and natural law form under Malum In Se jurisdiction which falls under the Anglo Saxon common law jurisdiction which simplifies the rule of law to that of 'do no harm to others or their property' and you could possibly even throw in 'honor all lawful contracts'. Quite simple, eh? ;-)
The Only True Sovereign is Jesus Christ. This is not a platitude. It is reality.
God is spirit, this helps explain why God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. God is the only being Who possesses omnipotence. In the Oxford English Dictionary, “omnipotence” is defined as “all-powerfulness,” or “almightiness.”
But I understand where you are coming from.
I believe God said King David was sovereign. All kings were sovereign. Which is to say the sovereign makes or decrees the law. The law flows from the sovereign.
True common law is akin to natural law. Natural Law says that you are a human being and as such have no connection to the Creator. Now if you are spiritual, made in the image of God, you are not natural, nor are you a human being. You are a servant of Jesus Christ.
The law they use in this state is not common law, even though they are suppose to rule in the courts that way. The courts operate under Admiralty law which they do not admit, but that is what it is.
Daniel, I agree that the Constitution for the United States of America 1787 is one of four (4) organic laws. Under this very Constitution, we are also under the control of the Crown and the Vatican due to the Definitive Treaty of Peace of 1783 a.k.a. The Treaty of Paris 1783 to where the King of England (Crown) is Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire (Vatican) and The United States of America.
[In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.
It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch-treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America]
This is a huge problem to where we are tied to this via Article VI, Clause 2, IE: "This Constitution and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof, and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;
We've been duped, people!