----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----



Every two years the Wall Street bankers and corporations that control politics have elections to allow the people to select 435 Congressmen and women and 100 Senators to masquerade as public servants. The candidates that win seats in Congress receive millions of dollars from the corporations in exchange for political favors. It is a sad reality that in the United States we elect our own dictators.

In the United States rather than being ruled by a single dictator in the United States we choose 525 dictators to be our rulers. They are elected by the people, but take their marching orders from the banks and corporations that fund their elections.

The men and women we elected in 2018 will borrow over $2,000,000,000,000 dollars from the Federal Reserve require the American taxpayers to pay of $3,000,000,000,000 to pay the interest on the national debt.

Voting is an exercise in futility, no matter who you choose you lose.



Voting for a a republican instead of a democrat is like choosing
to drink a beverage laced with cyanide rather than arsenic. 

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  • Well said! I continually ask myself why anyone with an ounce of brains would register to vote. Of course, the answer is simple. They all falsely believe it is their government and that they have a duty as citizens to participate no matter how disastrous that decision has proved to be in the past.

    The voters just further the agenda of Rothschild/Vatican international mafia when they register to vote and then cast their ballot for the candidates that have been carefully selected by the mafia for the sheeple to vote for. The mafia always owns both horses in a 2 horse race. In other words 'its heads they win, tails you lose'.

    • Well Said!

  • And to make a quote from the movie the patriot with mel Gibson...."will you tell me mr Howard why should I give up one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants 1 mile away..an elected legislation can trample a man's rights as well as a king can." Welcome to the truth no one remembers..
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