----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

IRS Abuse - Let Go On Strike

122 million people paid the IRS last year.

A tax on the fruits of one's labor is unconstitutional. The product of one's labor is considered his property and the right to own and dispose of one's property is one of the unalienable right identified in the Constitution.

If 2 or 3 million people refuse to file  their 1040 forms and refused to pay income taxes, Congress would be forced to abolish the income tax and the IRS.

The IRS is a privately owned corporation, just like Burger King or Walmart. If either of those corporations sent you a bill for a product you didn't buy. would you pay them?

The IRS has no more right to your money than any other privately owned corporation. Taxation is extortion and can only survive if a sufficiently large number of people comply.

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