Every year America celebrates the day that our Founding Fathers declared our independence. On that day, we broke British Common law and seceded from King George's Empire. What we have labeled an heroic act then, most Americans would consider treasonous today.
If separating ourselves from tyranny in 1776 was appropriate, why is it not appropriate today? Why should we preserve the Union if the Union is destroying the liberty it was created to protect? In the Declaration of Independence, it clearly states that it is the right and the duty of the people to do whatever is necessary to protect our lives, liberty and property. In 1776, that meant we had to fight for freedom and independence.
The Founding Fathers did not say "if," they said "when" a government becomes tyrannical, it is the responsibility of the people to alter or abolish that government.
The amount one is compelled to pay in taxes is the best barometer to judge tyranny. If you pay 50% of your annual "income" in taxes, you are at best 50% free! Just how much of your property are you going to allow the government to steal from you? If an individual picks your pocket, they have committed a crime. Even if they give the stolen money to someone in need, it is still theft. When the government does the same thing, it is called taxation, and it is just another name for government charity, or Socialism.
In this case, considering the state of affairs within our own government today, I believe that secession is not only appropriate, but not even enough. We need to act as a singulart entity, ready to fight for freedom. No violence is needed; all we need to do is;
I understand the IRS has their own enforcement agency(police) and courts. How did that happen?
The IRS use the same tactics for fear and intimidation to bet what they and what they want is your money.
I think your fingers got in to much of a hurry. But I got it.
Some time ago I lived in a very small town out in middle of farm fields. There were less than two hundred people there and the irs decided the retired man across the street was too wealthy and owed more tax though he had been retired for quite some time. The tax man was set on taking this mans home and the day before they were coming to force him out he dug a nice hole just outside the gate and place a sign that read. THIS IS FOR THE FIRST IRS AGENT THAT STEPS FOOT ON MY PROPERTY. Now when the bad boys showed up the entire town walked down the street all armed and the black vans never stopped they simply kept on going.
Some times big brother isn't so big.