----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • I engaged two Muslim graduate students at UCR.  I persisted in asking them whether they would condemn honor killing for conversion from Islam.  They would not.

  • Thanks Mort  ,  I've developed a real appreciation for pig farmers . I'm recommending every one keeps a side bacon and a bottle of pig blood  and  full magazine of bullets dipped in the same handy ..

  • Can't we form our own group and kill these Muslims? If we stand together. If we stick up for one another. Then we can do what they do. F*ck this there has to be something we can do.
  • In 1901 General Pershing executed captured Muslim soldiers in the Philippines with bullets dipped in pigs blood ; taking advantage of a deep religious fear of going straight to Hell among the lunatics . Pigs blood is bad juju among the Muslims ; Carry some with you , sprinkle it liberally everywhere you go . Let them squeal and whine , but let the word get out and they will go .

    • I use bacon fat in most of my frying Joe. I always have some with me. I love bacon.

      • Do you ever eat crispy fried bacon and peanut butter on a hard roll ? Elvis's favorite breakfasts and one of mine .

        They say that on Friday afternoons the Muslims take over parts of 42nd st in NYC . I'd like to deliver a truckload of bleeding swine to help with their festivities . Know any pig farmer patriots ?

  • I would highly recommend reading a book called 'Seeking Allah , Finding Jesus'.  It is in the perspective of a converted Islamist and is therefore slightly soft on the islamist views since the author does not want to offend, but in stead he wants to convert Muslims.  I find it might actually, not only enlighten people to the struggles of some Muslims, but also strengthen our own faith in "One true God"   Especially the Father , the Son, and the Holy Spirit (ghost). I found some of the beginning of this book hard to get through, but once involved, I did not want to put it down. Here is an Amazon link; https://www.amazon.com/Seeking-Allah-Finding-Jesus-Christianity/dp/...

    It is not necessarily the Muslims, it seems to be the upbringing of people in the so called religion of Islam.  Is it a Cult? Does it proclaim the over through of our constitution?  

    Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity: Qureshi, Nabeel, Lee Strobel…
    Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity [Qureshi, Nabeel, Lee Strobel] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying off…
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