
When parents bring a child into the world it is their God given responsibility to preserve, protect and defend that child as well as  to educate them.  When you send your child to a government school for 13 years to be programmed you are like the sheep that send their lambs to a school run by wolves.

Government schools program our children to become robots that are incapable of critical thinking. They are  taught what to think rather than on how to think. They are rewarded for coloring inside of the lines and punished when they think outside of the box. Conformity is rewarded and creativity is discouraged.


Teaching and testing all of the students on a common curriculum is like trying to teach a fish to climb a tree or ride a bike.

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  • Americans have grown fat, whiny, and lazy. They have become addicted to iphones, Facebook, Texting and the 'EASY BUTTON'. A big part of pushing the EASY BUTTON is letting good old Govco have the job of edumacating our children to be good slaves. Hardly anyone is interested with being burdened with the task of instilling critical thinking skills or moral attributes in their children, after all, isn't that what the public schools are for?

    Letting Govco do the job frees up more time to pursue making more money so we can buy one of those cars that practically drives itself [on credit, of course]. What would the neighbors think if we had an old beater in the driveway? I'm 80 years old and I've never owned a new car or truck---and I've never had to make a car payment either. It looks like critical thinking has gone the way of the dinosaur. Its just not needed anymore when you leave it all to the masters of deception.

    • Daniel I agree. Americans have grown fat and Lazy. I do not think that is the problem. The food we eat with all of its chemicals and the gmo foods are making us fat and lazy. I see the problems as People don't want to wake up. Most people are more willing to sleep with the devil they know than to face the unknown. If they actually woke up and faced reality they would feel compelled to act. Acting would mean they would risk giving up what they see as the things that make their life comfortable and enjoyable. If we throw out the masters we lose society as it is. We would risk losing heat and air conditioning. They risk losing the ability to go to the local store to fill all their needs. They have also been programmed over the last 150+ years to believe in the power of the central government. How many here grew up saying the pledge of allegiance every day at school. Private or public school you did this. 

      • The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist. We do not live in one nation, we live in one of 50 sovereign republics and the union is not indivisible. The government can be lawfully altered or abolished.

        • Absolutely right, Keith, and "indivisible" is also not correct if secession is a valid truth, as you allude to.

          • Secession is a valid truth. The Constitution was a contract the States entered into. When one party violates a contract the other party can nullify the contract. The southern States felt the federal government of the time and Lincoln were violating the Constitution. They chose to void the contract and leave the union. Our current President chose to void NAFTA and renegotiate a treaty more to his liking. He could have voided the agreement just as the southern States chose to void the agreement they had.

          • Texas was the only state that was a republic and joined the USA, by treaty and was specifically given the right to secede.

            Texas did exercise their treaty given right to secede from the USA and promptly joined their neighboring states in the CSA.

            They along with their neighboring states were brought back into the USA under force of arms.

            So far, since the splitting of the atom, I can't name anything, on this planet cannot be divided.

  • The foundation of the constitution is the Declaration of Independence and the Bible is the foundation of the Declaration of Imdependence.

  • Someone else may say this better than I.

    Actually It was not a bait and switch. The Constitution wasn't written to be a law of any sort. It stated that The States signing were pledging a mutual defense of each other to protect against the European super powers of the day. It also created a group of people to settle disputes that would arise between the states so that the states could get along and not end up arguing until they divided destroying the alliance. It gave the elected and appointed people the ability to negotiate  with foreign powers for the alliance. It also provided for a mutual navy to protect the alliance states. It clearly in several spots states that this federal government was to have no true power over the sovereign states and their independence except when dealing with foreign powers. The Constitution makes it clear that god is the ultimate law and that ultimate sovereignty lies with the individual people. Also in the tenth amendment it clearly states "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." The end powers of sovereignty belong to the people.. The people who now rule us have taken their steps slowly and have enslaved us mentally with was has become our own choice. We the people have sat back and been so enthralled with our own desires and the want to not have to worry over things have given them our sovereignty.

    •  I'm a little sick of this bickering back and forth over belief systems and that's exactly what they are. So don't come off as though your belief system is in any way factual. You guys love to quote the Bible as your basis for some factual representation of the truth. Unfortunately for you Bible thumpers there are hundreds of varying belief systems on planet earth and all or most of them have their own book [bible] of references to bolster their beliefs. None, not a single one can prove any of their beliefs with FACTS and that's why they are called beliefs.

      Of course everyone thinks their system is the only system and its been that way for thousands of years. How else can you get a 19 year old to strap on a sword and a shield [or a gun] and walk into a slaughter.  They believe, because someone told them, that dying wasn't the end of the road. If you live a good life and sacrifice it for the good of mankind you will live forever---somewhere, or you'll get a couple of dozen virgins when you get there.

      Who created these religions in the first place? People who figured out they could reap the goodies from the workers by claiming to have an inside track with the Creator on everything. Yes, support me with a mere 10% of your energy and follow a few rules and you get -----ETERNAL LIFE!!!!

      All religions are a formal institution of a type of government. I personally see the Bible as a book of laws, most of which seem to make sense. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  I would venture to say that almost every religion on earth has the same intonement. That pretty well sums it up doesn't it? How much more does one have to know about living a good and honorable life?

      I think the purpose of this site is for the purpose of us helping each other, not to prove what astute Biblical scholars we are. 

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