Good Evening Sir;
I was going to, with your permission, draw your attention to a number of cases involving dozens, if not thousands, of criminally corrupt BAR judges & attorneys across the country but, for now I'm concerned that you may need some help in what you've so valiantly done up and to this point.
I know how frustrating this business of exposing the vermin can be, so let me know how I can assist you in revitalizing your efforts, as it appears your website could be updated significantly!
If you've not, yet, heard, there's a new court system in place called the ITNJ, or International Tribunal for Natural Justice, which will soon be taking cases from around the globe, beginning with the Rod Class cases.
There is, also, a major shift in power looming, as in the USA Corporation, Inc. now bankrupt, and in currently receivership (Again!), but this time the Federal Reserve, the courts, and all the rest of the Cabal network are being dissolved!!
The State & American BAR Associations are under full-scale attack from all sides, including from within their own ranks, the Vatican, the Chinese, Russians, and everyone else who is, justifiably, pissed off over the Crown's outdated & outlawed systems of piracy, peonage, barratry, etc., through their private corporate courts of "Just-US!"
Everything is coming back into order, yet, there's some serious clean-up needing to be done before we can claim victory over these foreign pirates, invaders, and infil-traitors!
In this effort, we have thousands, if not millions, of living souls ready to take on the task of dissolving the for-profit judicial system, and casting these salty, land-robbing thieves back out to sea, or from whatever pond, or rock scum, they have evolved. From these vast numbers, I'm certain there are those with the technological capability of keeping up with what you've started, and the passion to keep it going!
Very recently, I had proffered the idea of a "Wall of Shame," where folks could post pictures and their stories on an Internet Public Bulletin Board, and where these despicable reptilian vermin would find their very own written legacies that their children, and their children's children, could research & study when doing their family genealogies in the 22nd Century.
I see, now, however, I need NOT concern myself with reinventing the wheel, but merely building upon what you have so courageously done, already!
So, Sir, if you are ready, perhaps we can begin AGAIN!
My Sincerest Regards;
The Honorable Steven Duane Curry; "House of Curry" - Superior Court Judge; "Juris Divini, Juris Privati, sui juris,"
Superior Court for the Continental united States of America
All Rights Reserved! Ante Bellum
It is nearly impossible to win any kind of court case or stop a foreclosure in the corrupt judicial system in America today. Very few people know how to confront it with knowledge, skill, and integrity.
Finally, there is a solution for every "Man" and "Woman" to have victory over the corruption in the legal system, and the unlawful "enterprise" called "The Bar," that has overtaken decency and "civility" in our common law and criminal justice systems by substituting "commercial psychopathology" (called "arrogance" and "greed") for reasonableness and justice.
The immediate solution is to stay out of "their" private legal system and establish incontrovertible evidence of trespass, fraud and non disclosure. Then invoke "common-law" jurisdiction in a "court of record" where the rights of "man" are preserved and the common-law court is "your" court.
COMMON-LAW ACTIONS are such as will lie, on the particular facts, at common law, without the aid of a statute. - Black's Law Dictionary 5th Edition
COMMON-LAW ACTION: action governed by common-law, rather than statutory, equitable, or civil law. Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition
COMMON-LAW as a compound adjective "common-law" is understood as contrasted with or opposed to "statutory" and sometimes also to "equitable" or to "criminal." Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition
1. the system of law originating in England, as distinct from the civil or Roman law and the canon or ecclesiastical law.
2. the unwritten law, especially of England, based on custom or court decision, as distinct from statute law.
3. the law administered through the system of courts established for the purpose, as distinct from equity or admiralty.
Educate yourself here:
Foreclosures are the result of nonpayment of an unforced contractual agreement between two or more entities, for mutual benefit. If you fail to make payments, in the case of homeowners, you will face foreclosure. If you file a bankruptcy you may delay a foreclosure.
If you have made a bad economic decision, face up to the reality and either pay your debt or let the property go back to the lender. The government has already put all kinds of road blocks to delay lenders to recover their losses. We have a country full of welchers, weenies and whiners.
You missed the whole point of the message. Please re-read the part about the immediate solution is to stay out of "their" private legal system and establish incontrovertible evidence of trespass, fraud and non disclosure. Then invoke "common-law" jurisdiction in a "court of record" where the rights of "man" are preserved and the common-law court is "your" court.
Sounds like whomever owns that website is a student of ours and is part of our study group.
The language he uses is from our study group.
Karl Lentz is a common law expert and shows you the simplest way to win against a man who trespasses on your property [rights]. I highly recommend those of mankind educate themselves by learning, and join our study group. just type in 'Karl Lentz' on YouTube, we have countless videos in various topics.
These public servants all hide behind their titles because their titles [i.e. judge, prosecutor, police officer, governor, congressman, senator, mayor, etc.,] have immunity and they know it; learn how to address them man to man, where they will be held personally liable for whatever they do that causes harm to another man. This is the real key to end all corruption, immediately!
Learn how to hold all public servants personally liable in their private capacity as a man. Learn how to strip them of their titles and file a claim [suit] against them for trespass.
You ask me KYR,
He sounds like Bill Thornton.
This is the forbidden knowledge that was intentionally removed from the public school system after the U.S., Inc created the 'Department of Education' and took it over, and slowly started deleting stuff out of the curriculum. One of those important things deleted was 'civics,' which taught all that stuff I mentioned.
Do your research.
And you start using your SHIFT key, KYR.
Please? You're hurting my eyes.
Lofty goals, but who's going to enforce the decisions ?
We can always count on you for cogent thought Bonnie.
Thank you for being the voice of reason.
To answer your question, WE are. Good enough?
Not trying to be a "buzz kill", however I've seen the debates about the Provost Marshall of the US, etc. & was seriously wondering,