"On Being An Outlaw"

"When Resistance Becomes Duty"

"Message to Police"

"Why Good People Should Be Armed"

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  • Excellent and most gratifying comments from this young lady.  

    The problems we face are caused by "Big Government" and the fact this country has been taken over by the United Nations - Agenda 21.

    When the citizens start to educate themselves they will soon learn that we lost out Sovereignty with the Act of 1871, we lost our currency system with the 16th Amendment (to the Federal Reserve-a Private Banking Corporation), and we are losing our country to a bunch of communists and we are doing it with our eyes and ears closed.  Most citizens don't have a clue.

    Excellent book for every citizen to read; "The Perils of Sustainable Development" by Rene' Holaday. 

    Some people are getting the big picture.

  • I like that woman!  She speaks the truth, something that you'll never hear from a politician.

  • Absolutely Great young Lady...I'm with her 100%!...Posted to facebook & sending it to everyone I know...

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