
  • Here's a very excellent post by Josie:
  • Within the last few years, I have become a contrary contrarian. It started in a doctors office. I had started looking up all those words in the medication, I was being given. As a mater of fact, at one time after being bit by a dog, in the "line of duty" I grudgingly went to the doctor. I allowed him to put the paste on my shoulder and bandage it. Then he started to give me a script for antibiotics and then hesitated. He then asked me if I was going to take them. I thought on it for about a minute and told him yes I will take them. I filled the prescription, took it home, put it on the refrigerator, and told my wife what transpired. She was very puzzled that I agreed to take them. I told her this evening you can watch me take the first on.. At the appointed time I went to the refrigerator, took the pill container and "took one out (I did TAKE one out and threw it in the trash can. I was able to continue my contrary lifestyle and do as the doctor instructed. Obviously not to the 'T', but I did TAKE it out and disposed of it. ;-] Recently I changed doctors because I heard that a certain doctor was okay w/ 'natural' remedies. I explained to her I was contrary about my body. I am a contrarian. If you send me to anyone else let them know I am a contrarian about my body. When I am asked about what 'medications' I am taking... I take out Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, NAC 600 mg, and a couple of other natural products. He introduces me to Bayer baby aspirin. When I was younger I remember taking it then. So I took it about a week. Then I got curious and to the internet I go. OOps. Somethings are not kosher. So I increase my water intake. A month later when I go back He says I am almost 100% and to come back in 6 months. He has the baby aspirin listed on the paperwork as "medication" I am taking. The water is doing just fine thank you ;-] I am also contrary about the way I treat people. Young lady, some day I would like to meet you face to face and thank you for your courage and matter of fact way with the Lawful as opposed to the (full of flaws) legal. Bless you young lady... on my prayer list.

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