Who Decides?
What does it take to be a judge? Can YOU be a judge? Can I? Who decides? Can YOU decide? Can I?
The truth is, we ALL "judge" every day. We make judgements about right and wrong, whom we should talk to and whom we should not, or other such "judgements". We make conscious decisions all the time that involve "judging" our present reality, moment to moment.
So why is it such a stretch to imagine that someone like "Judge" Anna Von Reitz should be told that she is NOT a judge or is not qualified to BE a judge. You tell me.
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In my county, a lawyer Harry Smail and our District's ex Congressman Tim Kreiger were just elected Judge. Do THEY have some special qualifications from being a lawyer or a Congressman? Why? What makes THEM any better than you or I at deciding right from wrong, (all Constitutional issues aside)? After all, don't we ALL become judges when we sit on a jury? Isn't God also known as the Ultimate Judge of All? So?
Right from wrong is not a Constitutional issue in the first place. It is the first thing we learn from our parents. THAT's what it is. After a certain amount of teaching, we are taught to "judge" for ourselves, right from wrong, so that we do not need constant surveillance to keep us out of trouble.
When we do make "judgements", we set our feet upon a given path. Then we take responsibility for the results of our "judgement". It doesn't take a scholar or a law professor to be a good judge, it only takes ONE THING! A written promise of neutrality in ALL judgements AND you must not violate Article I, Section 9, Clause 8,
To Whit;
"No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State."
If you wish to be a true judge, you must take an Oath to follow the rules set about in The Constitution and you must promise to uphold and defend every word in it against abuse. That Oath must be written and timely filed. Until ANY judge can prove to me that these requirements have been met, I would not agree to take an Oath on the Bible as a witness in a court with that Judge. I would refuse to "Appear" For Cause.
So who needs the Constitution in court? What does the Constitution do for a "defendant"? What is the Constitution FOR?
Comments? Questions? Answers?
The incorporation issue is a red herring. The fed gov has no constitutional authority to come into a state and impose its general laws upon the state-born whites. To accomplish this and claim the right in courts, the gov had to declare war upon whites. It did around 1900 when it first started claiming state-born whites were by some magic citizens via the 14th amendment. Since such claim stripped whites of all their constitutionally secured common law rights, the move required a declaration of war against them because only by an act of war can sovereigns be stripped of their constitutionally secured rights.
Citizens via the 14th are under general fed jurisdiction and they have no common law rights.