----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Article 1, Section 1

"All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,

which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

This clearly mandates that the Executive and Judicial Branches have absolutely no Constitutional authority to implement laws that can affect the people. Both the President and the Supreme Court have abused their Constitutional authoriy with Executive Orders and rulings that are clearly unconstitutional. Five unlected lawyers on the Supreme Court have assumed powers not delegated to them and their rulings have affected the lives of over 300 million Americans.

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  • If we at least had 6 rather than 9 SCOTUS, then we would not have the horror show that we have now, where there is one deciding vote who determines what we are then forced to honor or obey. The original 6 SCOTUS meant that a majority was 4 of the 6, now that one person is charged with determining our future.

    Of course, if things were as they are supposed to be, we would not be subject to them for much of anything, if they actually read the Constitution, broke it down, studied it, revered and honored it. But law schools do not even teach it. They teach about it and those are two different things. They are not forced to learn original meanings of words nor do they read the Federalist papers in order to decipher the true meanings and intentions of our founders' wisdom.

    I read recently that one of the major law schools now hosts a summer Originalist workshop, which is optional, not required. Yale or Harvard, I believe.

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