It is very difficult to get justice in a kangaroo court, but it can happen if you know your Citizenship status and how to proceed through the maze that is masquerading as our courts today. Only those who are able to establish standio in judicio, or standing in court, have any chance of being heard. Before establishing standio in judicio, the first thing is to challenge the jurisdiction of the court. If the court is unable to establish jurisdiction they cannot proceed. Standio in judicio becomes moot.
The people in the United States are the masters and the Judges are there to protect our rights. When you play ball in their court, they make the rules and call the shots. If you are able to disqualify the Judge, he will be forced to play ball in your court, i.e. follow the Constitution and honor his oath of office. The 14th Amendment created a whole new class of dual citizens in the United States, “subject to their jurisdiction”. They became legally created, artificial person subjects instead of sovereign free Citizens. We have been tricked into accepting this artificially created entity as a description of our existence. When anyone accepts that role, they become "subject to the jurisdiction" of the parent corporation known as the United States (aka Washington, District of Columbia). This place is not in America.
The United States is not a country, it is a corporation, and as such is subject to Roman Civil Law. This means that since the 14th Amendment was ratified we have been “subjects” not sovereign Citizens, governed by the Constitution for the united states of America, the union of states. The united states of America is a country encompassing a conglomerate of 50 separate, sovereign state Republics. It is organized around the Organic Constitution for the united states of America, 1787 and the Common Law.
There are no judges serving in Courts of the United States, there are only Administrators who represent the Corporation They enforce the codes, ordinances, rules and regulations of the Corporation. The Constitutional courts operate under common law in all matters over 20 dollars and are subject to the restrictions in the Constitution. The Kangaroo Courts of the Corporate United States only have jurisdiction over corporations and your artificially created dual citizenship.
The Soviet Union and China were once Republics, but the laws in those countries were written in a way that allowed the laws to devolve into a tool to control the people. In America laws are passed by representatives of the people to protect the God given rights of the people. You need to know your identity status in order to stay out of their courtrooms. When you define your Citizenship, you establish lawful jurisdiction over your identity. The Court must then prove otherwise. Without standing, the court cannot lawfully prosecute you.