----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Lawyers are professional wordsmiths and those hired by the Federal government by the Wall Street bankers and Corporations.It is their job to convince Congress that the Constitution was written to create a government with the power to do whatever Congress believed was necessary and proper.

The Constitution says what it says and means what it meant on the day in was written. Like a contract, it can only be changed through the amendment process.

Today, the Constitution is amended  when Congress passes a low that violates the Constitution, when the President refuses to veto it and when the Supreme Court  they pass laws that are unconstitutional, or when the President issues decisions that have the force of law.

The job assigned to a Congressional lawyer is to interpret the Constitution in a way that will allow the bankers to control the people and confiscate spend their money as fast as possible.

The Constitution was written to protect the lives, liberty and property of the people, not regulate their lives and to take from some to give to others.





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  • Up until a few seconds ago, I didn't think there could be something I'd less like to watch than a prostitute perform. 

  • Just like in the days of Saul. The people wanted a King, so they have King Obama. Many people voted like they were texting the next American Idol. Sheriff Mack always looked like a Rhinestone cowboy to me and I have learned not to trust anyone but to observe their actions and their words.

    People will betray themselves evidently and expose their true nature.  I make people prove their value and integrity before I ever put trust in them. It keeps away all that disappointment in the end. As far as any groups I've joined on the internet. I don't trust any of them but they do provide a good place to express ideas and opinions with fellow Americans and there are a surprisingly great number of them out there who understand the truth of the hour we are in.

    The problem is only the ones who are well funded get the attention and usually you have to sell out to the NWO to get a platform. So, my advice is don't trust anyone in the Media, especially the Mainstream media. Seek out your own questions and research them.

    Don't take anyone's word for anything. Make up your own minds after an educated study of the issues. In other words, "Think" for yourself.



    • It more seemed to me that people were voting more for Homecoming Queen than the next American Idol.

  • I think this quote is from Proverbs: "There is wisdom in many counselors."

  • Money is not the root of all evil, but greed is.

    • The LOVE of money is the root of evil, not money itself.

  • ...and like cold blooded animals political prostitutes get most of their energy from the outside, except the sun is a cold blooded animal's major controller or "brain", that's why cold blooded animals don't have one, they are God's creatures and pose no danger whatsoever to We The People, on the contrary they filter and clean all natural weaknesses and waste.

    Today's politicians are no comparison, their so called brain is "warmed" above all by money (hence factual understanding and information is secondary and in time contradictory) and that's how their heart gets "warmed"... similar to reverse osmosis; the contaminated brain becomes the driving force for the body... eventually many of us, or larger portion of We The People, that are barely strong enough to resist the effects of "that contamination" become angry enough to act not unlike God's other creatures going after a chicken, the problem is this chicken is deceptive, by the time they realize where SHTF is coming from the chicken has a dinosaur for a body guard ...and there are some of us, or the smaller portion of We The People, who recognize those symptoms soon enough to step on the artificially powered chicken way before it becomes an artificially powered dinosaur... the one and only solution is to keep artificial ingredients (or money) out of the chicken soup.

    Money is the FUEL for the root of all evil, greed is it's first symptom!

    • political prostitutes = vampires, a direct opposite of "a working girl" prostitute.
  • Bravo---- Keith----- At least a prostitute may gave you some pleasure, the vipers in that nest in D.C. the MBA, Rattle Snakes, Cobra, etc. all they want to do is poison us and destroy our nation. They will Fear the Masters at the last Judgement He. 9:27, Mt 10:28, Rev 20:10-15               .


  • Are you refering to a specific individual? if so, who?

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