----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Who is Running The Asylum?

Think about it. How many times a day are we reminded of the fact that we live in a completely plastic world, where up is down, right is left, two plus two is a complicated math problem and rights are only permitted or outlawed altogether?

We are inundated by commercialism, especially TV; and if you look closely, you'll see that most of the commercials are about, insurance, banking, credit and credit cards, mortgages, refinancing, car loans, electronic money, quick and easy access to financial transactions, Pharmaceuticals, (Big Pharma), etc. and the Lawyers battling over the spoils. This makes up most of what we see on commercial TV.

I especially like the "credit" rating companies commercials that insinuate that if you don't have "good credit", you will have to go "off the grid", or you won't be able to get anything new, or have a better apartment, or even get a car. So you should come and check your "credit score", again, quick and easy access to your "score". Again we are saddled with a number which is so important, that without it you cannot trade or do business. Sound familiar? It should. Read your Bible. To Whit:

Revelations 13-16,17

16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,
17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.


So there you have it. Not only are we seemingly trapped in a completely corrupted and compromised system of governance, but with advertising dollars; they keep throwing the propaganda against the wall as fast as they can to see what will stick.

Something tells me they already know what will stick.
It's Time once again to ask the question!
Who is John Galt?

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  • It turns out, he's not just a fictional character in a story.

    He not only existed but was actually instrumental in one of the shortest lived forms of currency ever used in this country; the stamp/coin, trade instrument, released only as a result of running out of proper coinage.

    When the Post Office ran out of stamps, the designer's creation fizzled out and was never used again. That designers' name? John Galt.

    Something tells me his part in history had something to do with the building of the character and that's probably why they chose that name.

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