According to Article I Section 8 Clause 17, the United States government shall have exclusive jurisdiction in an area not to exceed 10 miles square. In other words the legislative authority of Congress is limited to the area known as the District of Columbia plus special government enclaves within the boundaries of the states.
All other land is either privately owned by individuals or owned collectively by the people in the states where the property is located.
The Constitution for the United States can only be amended by the consent of both the Congress for the United States and three fourths of the states. When Congress passes an unconstitutional law it is the sworn duty of the President to veto it. If both the Legislative and Executive Branch fail to do their job, it is our responsibility to remove them from office by whatever means are available. Continuing to allow a fox to live in the hen house will produce tragic results.
According to the Supremacy Clause found in Article VI, all laws passed by Congress which are pursuant to the Constitution as well as the Constitution itself shall be the Supreme Law of the Land. Laws passed which are not pursuant to the Constitution can only be added by the passage of Amendments.
When Congress passes an unconstitutional law it is not pursuant to the Constitution and is therefore null and void.
Another very important provision in Article VI is that all engagements entered into prior to the ratification of the Constitution which, includes all treaties, contracts and agreements entered into prior to 1788 are still valid. This means that the Articles of Confederation and the Northwest Ordinance are still valid, as well as all legislation passed by Congress that is pursuant to the Constitution are a part of the Supreme Law of the Land.
We the people and not the Supreme Court are to be the judges as to which laws passed by Congress are pursuant to the Constitution and which ones are not. All three branches of government were supposed to prevent each other from violating the Constitution, but instead of protecting the Constitution, they have worked diligently to destroy it.
If the people refuse to hold our elected officials accountable we might as well hand over the keys to our liquor cabinet to a thirsty alcoholic.
If both the Legislative and Executive Branch fail to do their job, it is our responsibility to remove them from office by whatever means are available
According to Article 1 Section 8 Clause 9 Congress has power "To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court."
Since the original 13th Amendment has been subverted it is the job of Congress to do this. So we need to only elect people who are going to do this.
All bills to raise revenue must originate in the house.
218 votes can starve the BLM. No funding? No BLM. It's that simple.
Let me share the most important word that describes a large majority of the office holders in Washington,especially those that have been there for ages it seems.That word is GREED.In other words many of them live by the maxim:"I have mine and intend to get more and will use yours to guarantee it." Nancy Pelosi has more money than a person could possibly spend in a lifetime,and there is no need to list the others as anyone that is actually paying attention knows who they are and what they are doing.Harry reid is dirty dealing and getting away with calling citizens "Domestic terrorists," as he fills his coffers to over flowing.Dealing with the Chinese for American land but eventually our very sovereignty.Muslim mosques being placed all over the country buying up more land,and building training camps right under the nose of Eric Holder's so called department of justice(?).
Agreed. But regardless of whatever interim solutions we may find, in the end... It will be critical for the average American to understand "civics". They need to know the system, they need to understand the principles of liberty and they must have a firm commitment or sense of duty towards the maintenance of it. After all is said and done, this must happen or else we are wasting our time. We know the schools are not going to do this because they are government schools. If we create that understanding in enough districts, we will get good representation and start to fix these problems. Otherwise, we will be immersed in a bloody battle on behalf of a people who, lacking understanding, will oppose their true allies in favor of the status quo.
Yes, I agree with this. Accountability, accountability, accountability is the issue if we want to keep our beloved Constitution Intact. However, how are we to see a president's authority when he says, " 2008, it was 'Lean Forward'", but, now he says it's, "..alt/control/delete". What is more disturbing is that the country has no reaction to this. They laugh. The media changes even the way we talk about issues. We need each other here more than ever to form an approach to changing dialogues.