----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Let's Write The Book - Introduction

Build it and They Will Come

The Constitution Club has begun to take on a new look. Some house cleaning was done and in doing so, we have made it easier for everyone to navigate our forums. Together, as a group, we have produced thousands of articles, blogs, videos and links, encompassing several topics and websites. On our Forums Page you will see a plethora of new folders designed to help us keep track of everything.

With that accomplished, it's time to take the next step and start doing something. One of the things that can help is a guide or two that will bring some type of plan to fruition based on our current political situation. We would like to think that we have enough information amassed here to do just that.

They say if you build it, they will come. In that vein I would like to suggest that we are building it, but it's not finished. We have the skeleton, but we need to assemble the rest. The Intro, The Body, and The Conclusion. In other words; it's time to assemble the book.

If you would like to contribute material to the book(s), pick your subject of interest and go for it.

To stay organized, we request that all submittals be posted in the Members Forums Folder where you will find an ADD button near the top. Simply click on the button and start adding your content and title. Try to make your title short and relevant to the subject matter so we know what your article is about. If you want a cutesy subtitle like "Don't Eat The Daisies", we ask that you place that at the top of the article itself, not in the "Title" box.

Also, I would like to ask anyone with the inclination to contribute, to first do a search of our forums to see if your subject has been covered already and if not, go ahead and assemble your article. Anyone interested in contributing should realize that your contributions should be original material and as always, are subject to examination, editing and approval.

All the tools and links you need to contribute are right here on this page, so no further assistance is required. However, if you have any questions, simply click on my photo found HERE. That will take you to my profile page where you can click the "send a message" button to message me directly. Good Luck and have fun.


Morton IX

You need to be a member of Constitution Club - 2020 Vision 4 America to add comments!

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Email me when people reply –


  • Hello Keith,

    I will help you with your project.

    My email address is:


    Have a great day.


  • I would like to participate.

  • Keith, I am available to assist in editing and proof-reading. I too have a book under construction, so I understand the need for editing help, etc. A wise man once said that one should never be their own editor. Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, tense, meaning and punctuation are all important in getting your message across and its hard for the originator to be objective. I would be glad to start immediately if you have something ready. My email is mortonix@gmail.com.

  • No editing experience, but sort of "anal" about spelling, grammar, sentence structures. Homebound w/ health issues & far too much time on my hands. Too old & sick for the militia, but more than happy to contribute in this way


    Wishing you all the best of luck !

  • None of my business Bonnie, but just how old and sick are you? What are your medical issues? See my response above if you wish to e-mail me directly on these questions. Thx.

  • Hi, Keith,

    I would be glad to work on your books with you, but I do freelance work as a professional editor and proof reader and can't afford to farm out my services for free.  I would be willing to work out a price with you if possible. I have done editing work for both publishers and individuals.  If you are looking strictly for volunteers--well, sometimes you get what you pay for. And if it is done for free, you can't very well complain about the quality.  You have my email if you want my help.  (Karen)

  • Hey Karen,

    Stop trying to blow your own horn to sell your wares and insinuate at the same time that if something is free its not worth anything. You get what you ask for in life, not just what you pay for. I would pit my skills against yours any day of the week miss professional. I have several relatives in the editing business and I write as well. I'm no professional by any stretch, but do not underestimate others just because they aren't quite as proficient as you. I am quite good at all that I do. Go back to work editing and proof reading and leave the volunteering to us professionals. You are obviously way too important to lend your time. I believe in the people here, but I do not speak for anyone here. I speak only for myself when I say we'll be fine without you.

  • Keith,

    I would be willing to help you on your project. I am leaving for Oregon, but will be back in less than 2 weeks. Just mail it to my mother's place at:

    Wayne Bachmann

    791 E 300 S

    Hyrum, Utah  [84319]

    It will be an honor!

  • Hi Keith,

    If you're not already swamped with volunteers, I'll be happy to do what I can to help with proofreading/editing and/or reading the articles.

    Just let me know how I can best help,

    Pat Turner



    Murfreesboro, TN 37130

  • I will be more than willing to help with your project Keith as I appreciate all that you are doing to help save this Country



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