To the Sheriffs of Colorado state:
The attached is the roadmap to reclaim America by reclaiming your powers, judicial and enforcement, derived from the people, which you do NOT (at this moment) possess.
The reason you don’t possess these powers is because you, by deception, took the WRONG oath. You did not take the ‘Executive” oath, you took the “employee” oath of the corporate enemy, the UNITED STATES, INC., to be subject to them, the ‘FEDS.” You have played right into their hands. You are, unknowingly, now attempting to “prosecute” the enemy in “the enemy’s court.” The UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT has NO judicial power; is a private corporation; is an administrative agency for the UNITED STATES WASTEWATER INDUSTRY. It is NOT a COURT!!!
Once you have taken the Executive oath, provided in the attached Sheriff’s Independence Day Letter & Certificate, the previous defacto, inferior “employee’s” oath will no longer be of significance. See attached “oath of office for sheriff.”
The “Sheriff’s Court” is the court of the people, convened under Article III at common law. The Sheriff’s Court is the highest authority on the land, not the Sheriff. A Sheriff is NOTHING without his “high” court authority of the people. The feds have dumbed you down and deceived all of you into taking the “employee’s” oath to the “corporation,” and NOT the correct oath to the “American people” and to “support this” lawful Constitution FOR the United States of America and its lawful Bill of Rights Amendment having ONLY XIII Articles. Clause 3 of Article VI of this Constitution requires an oath that binds the Officer taking the oath “to support this Constitution.”
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
It is way past time for you to “wake” up to the deceit and fraud that has been perpetrated upon every one of you; to take the lawful step to correct the error and take the correct oath that will enable you to exercise powers ‘available’ to you by your taking the correct oath to the correct “national” Constitution FOR the United States of America as opposed to the oath you took to defend the defacto corporate charter of the feds, making you ‘subject’ to them, and NOT to the people….therefore, depriving you, through deception, of the tremendous power available to each of you from the people through that correct oath. Every Sheriff has the duty to take the correct oath so that the people may order, adjudicate and decree justice in the interest and to the benefit of all through their Sheriff courts of superior and final jurisdiction.
I was on a conference call last night with Sheriff Finch. Many sheriffs nationally, like Sheriff Finch of Liberty County Florida, have been led down the path of deception, find themselves in trouble, and don’t have a clue as to ‘why.’ The reason is very well hidden…right in the open. You made a declaration that you were a “citizen of the United States” when you executed the ‘voter’s registration’ of the corporate UNITED STATES, INC., you declared, pursuant to the 14th amendment of their corporate charter, to be “subject” to the United States….and NOT to the American people and this great country of America. You became their “slave” and they used you for the presumed power you wielded from the people, which you NEVER possessed…because you took the WRONG oath. Further, if you are found in “their” so-called courts, you are out of your office aiding and abetting that criminal enterprise…levying war against the American people. GET OUT OF THOSE COURTS! See NSEA International Appeal Form (filled out for Sheriff Finch) hereto attached.
The “UNITED STATES” is NOT a “country!” It is a criminal racketeering influenced corrupt organization committing acts of domestic and international terrorism against the American people. NOW they are coming after our Sheriffs, America’s “Last Line of Defense.” ~ Sheriff Richard Mack (ret)
I’m sure you will be surprised, astonished and shocked to know, “the UNITED STATES CORPORATION is a wastewater utility conglomerate, a co-corporation of the City of London established in 1871, impersonating legitimate government of America at all levels, FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY and MUNICIAPAL so as to maintain their monopoly of America’s water” They are imposters. They are NOT who or what you have been taught to think they are! They are predominantly members of the BAR, the British Accredited Registry, aka “communists.” They are the enemy of the American people and must be eliminated!!! See Sewer Rats hereto attached
Now that you know the truth, you don’t have time to waste! You must ALL take immediate action to convene your/our courts, in both state and federal jurisdictions by executing the above notices as explained. You are the Sheriff, you are the ones we entrusted our powers to, you have a fiduciary duty to your constituency, the citizens of the United States, who have also been deceived, and to the American people. The Sheriff is the ONLY lawful law enforcement authority on the land….ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE TAKEN THE CORRECT OATH. All other so-called ‘law enforcement’ is federal. All employees of corporations. The people, pursuant to the organic Constitutional FOR the United States of America and its Bill of Rights Amendment having ONLY XIII Articles. As specifically delineated in Article IX, the people never gave Judicial/enforcement powers to corporations. All courts, including the Supreme Court, have descended to the standing of a mere citizen because they are ALL private for-profit corporations having Dunn & Bradstreet numbers trading on Wall Street. The Sheriff, once he/she has taken the correct oath, is the ONLY lawful executive member of government having judicial and enforcement powers of the people…and for the people.
Until you have taken the correct oath and convened your courts of final jurisdiction, for the people, you remain a subject to Obama and his administration…and his wrath. You have hired one of the enemy to “re-present” you, a BAR attorney. I also used to be ignorant to this truth. Now, you have no excuse….because, ignorance of the law is no excuse. See Authorities – BAR Attorney_Lawers attached.
It is time to remove your case into the proper “high” court of “final” jurisdiction, the Sheriff’s Court of the people, and gain your due remedy. Time is short!!! Our goal is to re-establish our Sheriff’s Courts in every county in Colorado (and the nation) by Independence Day, July 4th, 2013. Please see Sheriff’s Independence Day Letter & Certificate attached for details.
In regard to your current federal action in the wrong court, convene your Sheriff’s Court in your federal judicial district and we at NSEA International, as the Sheriff’s Counsel and on behalf of the people of the “true” United States of America, the “First Union” as defined in our Articles of Confederation, will proceed to prosecute these federal tyrants who are blatantly attacking our unalienable rights guaranteed us, the people, in the high court of the American people under the common law court for justice. Notice to Federal Magistrate by County Sheriff attached.
It is the “feds” worst nightmare, the Sheriffs waking up, learning the truth of how they’ve been swindled and deceived into swearing their allegiance to the enemy of the American people, as opposed to the American people. “Take the correct oath. Then claim the powers “to be” ordained upon you by the American people pursuant to the original “national” Constitution, and let us, together, Git-R-Done!!! See Oath & Verification Certificate hereto attached.
Let’s make this 4th of July the day of independence from these federal tyrants…for good!!!
All of you are invited to attend our conference/show “High Court Authority” this Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm pacific time. To listen only, go to:; to talk and ask questions, call in at: (724) 444-7444; ID: 127588#; To talk: 1#. You may go to the website in the meantime to download or listen to the archived shows if you wish to gain knowledge beforehand.
Learn about the powers available to the Sheriff!
God’s speed and may God Bless America, the Great!!!
Tom Murphy, Sheriff’s Counsel
National Standards Enforcement Agency (NSEA International)
“an in capita sovereign body authority of, for and by the people”
In association with:
International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State of Canada
International Common Law Court of Justice of Brussels
International Congress for Clean Water Authority of the World
(775) 848-8800