----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Dear Sheriff _____________________,

I am concerned that this message may not have reached you. I am therefore including this VIDEO  as a start to encourage you to meet with me such that we may discuss your TRUE responsibility to THE PEOPLE of YOUR COUNTY and not to the Black Robed Bandits and their corporate minions. Do not be a corporate dupe. We are "Alice Through The Looking Glass" at this point and there is no more time for debate. We must meet soon. Also you should no I am Posting this Letter on my discussion forum site called The Constitution Club. Look into this matter quickly and please contact me so we may discuss other information of a most important nature.
Thank You for your time,
Sincerely Hoping,
Morton IX, Clan of William, House of The Son of Thom
ps -YOU IGNORE THIS MESSAGE AT YOUR OWN PERIL! We are not going away and we WILL be heard. You CAN'T stop us and the CABAL will not win. 
DECIDE NOW! Who's side are you on?
The people or the corporatized government Cabal. DECIDE!
Then make an appointment with me by calling me at
(724) XXX-XXXX

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  • most r just govt pieces of shit aka govt serpants living off the bloated govt teat-I wonder how many r trained by mossad r DHS

    1st pic is the she bear that kept SCREAMING at me when THEY came to kill my dogs n the lies of a drunken, homeless, unemployed mexican

    2nd pic is the STATE's evidence pic of the TALL Grass n Weeds along my road where 8,9  PACK of Pitbulls n Rotties mauled the mexican for 1/2 mile as he used 1 hand to hold his cell phone, other hand held his duffle bag while his other hands pulled up clumps on TALL Grass & Weeds to fend off the DOGS-there was no dogs loose, only the puppies r loose n Nunya, a teen aged GOOF Ball

    3rd is 1 of the many chemical assaults by chem pharmers

    use utube n watch "pitbull mauls" a guy in a small area with a massive pool of blood

    ND Supreme Kort refuses to release the alleged decision on the void warrant

    I filed a verified torture complaint if Federal Kort, on what was done to me in the county gaol-judge refuses to allow the suit to proceed

    I had filed a Writ of Habeas from the county jail July 2013, sheriff wild refused to have it filed, I found it Jan 11, 2016 in the discovery file n called the ND Court Admin, then filed & it was DENIED as moot by judge fontaine, who I had RECUSED on my Post Conviction Petition as BIASED, filed appeal n the ND Sup says a writ is non appealable. The alleged hearing on my writ-there was no Notice Nor Right toBE Heard

    All based on a Mexicans lies that  just happened toBE living at the chem pharmers house in Warsaw ND & was walking to the other chem pharmers farm

    No pack of dogs loose

    no tall grass nor weeds            n other lies

    See Occums Razor, when the STATE has to inject too many lies to a given set of facts, non of them r true as the most simple explanation is the Truth




    • Interesting, for sure!

      OFF TOPIC, for sure!

      I sincerely hope things are better for you, now... for sure!

      • Everything counts...

        My opinion...Nothing is off topic.

        Thank you for commenting.  Have you deeper interests in dealing with reality?

        • Actually, Arnie... I applaud Morton, for his "Notice Delivered",

          but we both know this situation requires more than applause.

          It requires serious action, does it not?

          Right now, I am willing to donate what I can, to assist the legal fund and

          the families of those involved, but unless this country awakens to the threat, that we all face... What?

          Overt action leads to sure martyrdom and Davey Crockett, I am not.

          I suggest educate and organize.

          Isn't that what The Constitution Club is about?

          • Thanks Fred, but;

            Many of us here and even elsewhere, have come to the inevitable conclusion that the time for words is long past, but we are organized into a group of like minded people, action or words.

            Right now I am taking action to educate and inform, while making it abundantly clear that life as they know it is about to do a full 180 degree turn and a new paradigm shift is at hand. Meaning that I will not accept no for an answer.

            You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem.

  • When a country has evil leaders there apt to do anything to keep people silent. Ranchers do Matter to good people; the key word here is Good. Our government is being hijacked by the most evil agenda and the Politically Correct Knife that is helping the Islamic beheading of America.

  • Smartass!

  • No more keyboard warriors....Yea!!!!!!!!!

    • Marilyn, most of the "keyboard warriors" are guys that remember their younger days, when they could be a force to be reckoned with,

      and the bravado they present is more to reassure themselves, than to impress others.

      Sure, some is over the top ego appeasing boasting & BS, but most made a contribution, at one time, or another. 

      Very few actually fled to Canada and I doubt they post here.

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