----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Letters - Thomas Donahue

Here's another person I believe needs to step up and stop kissing up to the "elites" of the world.


To: Thomas Donahue

President, CEO, US COC

1615 H St, NW

Washington, D.C. 20062-2000

Ph. 202-659-6000


Dear Thomas,

I believe as head of the COC, your main concern should be looking for those leaders of yours in some unconventional places. You can start with Robert Shultz of WE THE PEOPLE. He has been fighting Capitol Hill since the seventies. There are also others who brought the information and inspiration to me to fight the battle for freedom and sovereignty. They are the leaders you speak of. They have fought the good fight when there was no victory in sight. They have grabbed the ball and ran with it when there were no advantages to it, no points to be scored. I would like to think that I have picked up where they left off. I too, know what it means to lead. I have been a Sovereign officially since early this century. I have no driver's license, no credit cards, no bank account and no SSN. As an adult I never officially re-applied for a Social Security Number as the law would require of such a citizenship altering decision, so I therefore have none. I have officially informed EVERYONE concerned of these facts and decisions, including and especially the IRS. I have now informed you as well. This is not to brag, or to be cool, because believe me it isn't cool, but to show you what real leadership looks like.

Ask Michael Knew what's right from wrong. Ask Phil Roberts, currently serving time in federal prison for Willful failure to file; Willful failure? You mean the freedom not sign your name when you do not agree to all that is implied in that signature? Sounds like Hale V. Hinkel all over again, but the Feds have this guy in prison for it. Ask him what leadership looks like. Somebody needs to be filing Habeus Corpi by the bucket-load. This government is out of hand. You won't find many leaders there.

Leadership is the ability and strong desire to fight against that which you know by shear definition is tyranny and oppression. Leadership is doing the right thing in the right way on a daily basis, when everyone around you says your nuts for doing it. Leadership is knowing when you've got just enough charisma to make everybody believe what you say. Leadership is putting it ALL on the line even though no one else around you has the guts to follow you or support you. Leadership is the willingness to give up everything you have for freedom (sovereignty). Janis said it best when she sang the words I know you remember.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."  - Janis Joplin

So if you're looking for leaders, look in those places where people have gone Gault. You won't find them in your circles; you will find them in mine. Those on Capitol Hill whom we have elected and sent there to speak for us are not leaders. They are followers. They follow ME and they should follow you. We are they're leaders. I am in charge of me, and there is only God above that. THAT is true freedom, THAT is what we fight for, THAT is why our constitutions are written the way they are, all 51 of them and THAT is from where leadership comes.

We the people, in order to form a more perfect union

That doesn't say we the government, it says we the people. Start there Thomas. Start with the people. The regular, everyday people. The ones who supposedly are in charge of this country have dropped the ball. I can see now that this is going to get worse before it gets better. If you need help understanding sovereignty or anything else, I consider myself one of the leaders you should look to.

I can be reached by email: mortonix@gmail.com, for comment. I look forward to your response.


Sincerely, Morton IX

Sovereign, Proceeding sui juris, in propria persona

usA, Non-Domestic

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  • Kudos to you, Morton, for volunteering to lead ! People who reduce this to simply voting for the wrong guy or party have no true understanding of the gravity of the REAL war we are fighting.

    Yes, we have made a little headway, won a few battles along the way, but the WAR is far from over. And it WILL get worse before being over. It evidently has to be something far more drastic than the Twin Towers to get EVERYONES'  attention....EVERYONE is going to have to suffer to level the playing field. Patriots have marched, signed petitions, jammed up senators phone & fax lines, joined militias, printed handouts & swarmed over parking lots, stocked up on "stuff" for a stand-off, taken free, on-line courses in the Constitution & Common Law, & turned to alternative media for REAL news of progress & hope. Neighborhood & community groups are forming all over the world for support when the final battle commences. But no matter how many vocations are represented within a group, VERY FEW volunteer to lead.

    People who fail to realize this war is centuries old & has made very slow but steady progress, also fail to realize the true gravity of the situation. And the unbelievable commitment of people who work for a goal that is beyond their lifespan.

    Call it the insane ramblings of an old, demented woman, but I truly believe this is "THE" battle for our very souls. I am no longer the young warrior standing on a soapbox or carrying a placard or locking arms on a "battle line", but still a warrior at heart !  God be with you & give you the strength to endure.....

    • Thx, B.

      Need all the help I can get. And you're words;

      "And the unbelievable commitment of people who work for a goal that is beyond their lifespan."

      That is the part that is hard to make everyone understand. They say, "Why would you spend the rest of your life fighting a cause that may never succeed? Go enjoy yourself, relax, retire. You've earned it." 

      Ya and I've earned benefits under SS too, but I'll never see 'em.

  • Morton, Agree and have both observed and experienced the same thing. Have known and watch good people fight and pass away while doing their duty, Aaron Russo and Tom Cryer for starters.  My question as I observe (and more) for years is simply, is anyone ready to create the change needed to right ourselves individually and collectively?  The answer so far is, hugh?  And that is on a good day.

    As I told Tom on numerous occassions as he kept saying, we have to put the octopus back in the box, referring to the Feds. I told him he was going at it wrong because that will never happen, and it won't.

    It, we and many have already proved what won't work. Why keep doing it? We have the tools, methods and law to accomplish what is needed.  I see it, I know it, it has been designed and could be completed in 90 days with proper support. No action or support from John Berch folks, Amesty International, UN has been supportive, written many people from Ron Paul (whom I met and no fault from him I'm sure), Donald Trump, Jessie V., and many others.  I know I'm a nobody, but if anyone had a smart idea, or any idea with good potential I would at least listen to it.

    Anyway, should there be a collection of Americans whom are ready to get on the same page and actually take corrective positive action, let me know. I'm way a head of the "we got no plan, but whine and moan" plan.  No disrespect to anyone in saying the above.

    In the mean time there is a strong group, the strongest I know in the country, in Colorado. They beat on it every day, as do I and I presume you and many others do as well.  All we have to do, for starters, is get on the same page. To me, this is an easy, and painless programming, systems design, test, implement, present, demonstrate, provide solution option simply based upon the free-will of the individual. Then rock and roll and move on.

    It does not require a government, or even another election.  As long as we keep on that fruitless path it should be currently overly obvious the odds of societies and humanity to survive ourselves (not to mention you and your families) is either close to zero, to no way it is going to happen.

    If there is any intelligent life out there, and there IS, wake me up and lets take care of business, our country by setting an American example others (people of other countries) may choose to follow.

    Have a great day and weekend, SA

  • Real quick S,

    Yes. However, one must realize that the level of exposure you speak of, (social media, for instance), is at the same time both effective and vulnerable to attack. Just an observation.

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