----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


Hi Keith,
I attempted to call you, but got no answer.

As for your question, I'm living in Acapulco on a social security income of $720 a month - occasionally supplemented by a counseling gig or a workshop. I have a small furnished 2 bedroom apartment, a 10 minute walk from the beach and surrounded by restaurants, clubs, museums, bars, tourist attractions, etc. I've lived in ACA now for 3 years and enjoy the warm climate and the friendly people.

It should be noted that there are many inland towns where one can live for maybe half of what it costs here - this being a tourist town. Some of those towns are quite picturesque and interesting.

I'm just starting to learn Spanish, to the extent that I can usually get by for things like finding my gate at the airport, locating the nearest bathroom, asking for the check at a restaurant, etc. I would already be fluent by now were I not staying focused on my work, which keeps me quite busy and preoccupied.

If you'd like to chat more about this topic, please ping me on Facebook Messenger where we are already friends.


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