----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The Trigger

A letter from a friend

About the beginning of the end

About a man who stood upon His ground

And right there they shot him down


He never asked them for a fight

He just knew that he was right

He only wanted his Redress

He knew this was a mess


So he trusted in his Maker

And he packed his belly shaker

He went to tell a story

He knew would bring no glory


He was only trying to tell them

The one thing that he knew

"The Feds don't own the land,

The states and Counties do,

And then the people too."


But of course they didn't listen

They didn't want to hear it

They only knew one thing

This guy had too much spirit


So they did the only thing

They know how to do today

They murdered him in cold blood

Then they threw the evidence away

Tribute to The Fallen Soldier - Robert "LaVoy" Finicum


The following is one account of where we the people stand on this.


"I am concerned that there isn't that much time left. I was at the Burns ordeal for a few days, and things are now very intense. I do not know for a fact, but I think that is what's going to trigger the rest of the country into a rage. The people around here are totally fed up with the Feds, and it is a very unstable situation over here. Lots of people are waking up way too late, but also a bit too fast to grasp what all is going on. I would be happy to help, but I think the time is way too late. I pretty much need the rest of my time to get prepared. I would be happy to be in a guest position. I could possibly help in that way. I am also involved with some of the CL judges and working with them.

Did Keith tell you that we met at LaVoy's funeral? I saw some others there, and others saw my flag jacket, but didn't know it was me until after we got home and on here. There were only 2 of us with them. I am the one with the Aussie hat.
I too, have no time to play games, and my stand is this: We have done our best to wake people up. If they are not awake by now.... Sorry... they are too late. I have my own life to get prepared. My mom's husband is now losing a lot on wall st. and is starting to realize I am not as stupid as he thought I was. Day late, and a dollar short, and a lot of others are in that same situation. We have tried and tried to wake them up.
When KrisAnne Hall was here, we talked about this and I told her that I have tried for almost 20 years, ever since I moved to Burns, to get people educated, and it fell on deaf ears. Now that they have a crisis, they are waking up, but it is too late. They now have a disaster on their hands. KrisAnne and I agree that it takes a disaster to wake them up, but by that time, it is too late."
Gotta Go,
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  • It is really not to late. It is actual Time to act. The Banker, BAR Lawyer Corporation is fully exposed as an organized crime network that has defrauded America to total destruction and the people see it now with 75-80% polling of distrust of this government system, which is not actually a government system in truth and fact.

    The Time is now to walk into the Town Offices to declare that their corporation of the District of Columbia is totally bankrupt and get off the property that belongs to the people. Serve them with signed affidavit and notice to cease and desist autographed by the people of the state you live in. Go to your Sheriff and bring claim of the violations of the fraudulent corporate activity that is illegally posing as a government and warring against the constitution with acts of treason against the people.

    Start proving the facts of the law vs the fiction of the legal. The majority of the people who work in these corporations posing itself as government are equally as uninformed as the public, but they know that there is something gravely wrong with the system they are working in..

    Bring up town meetings to gather together the people and bring the factual documents and history and prove the points. Show up in the town council meetings and present affidavits of crime against their oaths to the constitutional law of the land and serve them with cease and desist notice from the people to stop the excessive taxation of the fraudulent debt notes that are worthless as toilet paper and to close the corporate courts that do nothing but extort money from innocent victims that have not made any crime against the law of the land. Serve Notice to the Town and police department that the law of the land can only be enforced by sheriff who has taken a proper oath to the constitutions and secure a bond for the public office. The Constitution is as easy to read as a any 8th grader can read and present the facts.

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