Liberty Tree


We would like to invite you to use this website to educate yourself of the Constitution and the principles of liberty. We would also like to ask you to share this website with all of your friends and neighbors.">The Constitution was written to create a limited government that would preserve, protect and defend the God given rights of the people.


To access quotes on the Constitution
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41%2BI5df1-EL.jpg?width=750&profile=RESIZE_710xThe Constitution Party is dedicated to the restoration of the principles upon which our nation was founded. Before the ink on the Constitution was dry there were powerful individuals who wanted to convert our Constitutional Republic into a Democracy.


Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Constitution

It is our intent to help tens of millions of Americans educate themselves on the Constitution and the Principles of Liberty

In order to restore our American Republic it will take millions of patriots to educate themselves and their friends and neighbors principles of liberty and the Constitution.


Click on the  Founding Fathers to Hear What They Had to Say

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Click on the following link to help educate America.
Donations are not tax deductible.

Keith Broaders
1230 N Street #510
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone (916) 399-4881

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