----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Linclon was Controlled by the Bankers!

I believe Lincoln said he would keep slavery if he could do that and still preserve the Union, but he also said that if he could eliminate slavery or ignore it altogether and still save the Union, he would have done that. He wasn't lying as you might suspect, he was stating the inevitable truth; that he couldn't care less about blacks OR whites and only wished to preserve the Union as he saw it; whatever that vision was.

His job was to usher in the Chicago lawyer's guild and see to it that lawyers, bankers and the Politically connected would control this country  forever by forming a noose around the necks of the American idea of freedom and ALL of its hard working average Joes. Let me show you why I say this.

This is the guy who ushered in the new Thirteenth Amendment. If you read the amendment carefully you'll see it frees no one. It simply states that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, unless punishment for duly proven crimes shall exist within the territory known as Washington, District of Columbia. This is the truth. There is no other writing in that amendment that says or even insinuates anything different in reference to the restrictions against slavery. 

This leads to only one question; that if the Thirteenth Amendment didn't free black people from slavery, what did it do?

The answer is nothing, except for the language that paved the way for future insertion of the same language in the Fourteenth Amendment.

You see at the end of the Thirteenth Amendment that they also introduce for the first time the idea that there are "subjects" in the Union of state Republics and there exists some AREA where it is possible for "them", (the government) to have some kind of control over people with what they called "jurisdiction". Strictly translated that word breaks down to "juris" meaning people and "diction" meaning say or "people-say". So I'm not sure exactly how to translate that word to have meaning, but this to me indicates a design by the federal government at the time to instantly subjugate not only blacks, slave or not, but also whites into what would then be assumed "Constitutional" from that point on.

The idea of "jurisdiction" and any place or person so "subjected" being the new norm for the American people is what that amendment did. It's high time people realized that this is where we lost our freedom. I was at least the first step to that goal. The Fourteenth Amendment took further steps to this goal.

The Federal Reserve Bank is now carrying the torch by financially enslaving people to a fictional currency upon which they rely in the form of credit loans, mortgages and with fractional banking tactics allowing legalized inflation and weakening of the American Dollar. So, just so you know, you're a slave because of the language in the Thirteenth Amendment. Read my version of what the amendment should look like by clicking here.

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  • The pyramid was inverted, it should be and always will be, We the People" created the government, whose officials are subject to the people.  We am not subject to the creation, we are the creators.  

  • I don't take issue with what you say here, but I'm surprised that you acknowledge this as the thirteenth Amendment. It is actually the 14th Amendment because the original 13th Amendment  read thusly:

    "If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign Power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."

    • We all know that Roy,

       No offense, but you're preaching to the choir here. Besides, if you look closely you'll see that I originally called it the NEW 13th Amendment. Thereafter the insinuation that it was not the first 13th Amendment was a given. In fact that is exactly why I called it the New 13th Amendment. I thought I was being clear in a subtle way.

      • I've provided a link regarding the original 13th Amendment.  It's worth looking at so as to gain an understanding of the fraud perpetrated on the Amercan people.


    • Here's another link to the missing 13th Amendment proving the 13th Amendment currently viewed as  the original is fraudulent. The current 13th Amendment should be #14.


  • All that I've read proves over and over again that Mr. Lincoln's sole intention was to prevent disunion--no matter what the avoidable cost. And, of course,  the cost in lives and money was nothing short of horrendous.

    In his earlier years as a Representative, he even trumpeted the legality of secession, a well-established constitutional remedy honored by both northerners and southerners.

    Also, the 14th was unconstitutionally adopted, as was the Congressional creation of W. Virginia during Mr. Lincoln's tenure.

    I've intellectually labored in vain to constitutionally justify his imperious and unconstitutional actions, but, alas, without success.

    He substituted stellar rhetoric for constitutional principles and Americans, both north and south, suffered terribly and needlessly.

    • You're exactly right Jim,

      Lincoln suffered greatly in his life from death of almost all of his immediate family members from early on with his siblings then his biological Mother. He was not a happy man and by all medical accounts available a very ill man himself. His losses throughout his life created a very depressed person. It was reported he was dying of a very disabling disease known little to science at the time.

      This guy knew he had nothing to lose by making the decisions he made. He knew inside he was never gonna see 70. I think he knew he was dying. This makes him a compromised individual who can be manipulated into doing whatever the Banksters wanted. He had nothing to lose. You can't hurt a dead man. John Wilkes Booth by my reckoning did Lincoln a great big favor, protecting him from a very dismal suffrage.

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