By Steven D. Curry
Here's some great info on our friends in the State, and the vermin at the BAR! It's very likely the same constructions are in all States. Please read to the end. You will be happy to did!
This brief Treatise should empower any injured party, or a newly empaneled Common Law Grand Jury, wherever you might be.
First: A few definitions;
1). “Oath. 1. A solemn declaration, accompanied by a swearing to God or a revered person or thing, that one’s statement is true or that one will be bound to a promise. The person making the oath implicitly invites punishment if the statement is untrue or the promise is broken. The legal effect of an oath is to subect the person to penalities for perjury if the testimony is false.”
2). “Oath of allegience. An oath by which one promises to maintain fiedelity to a particular sovereign or government. This oath is most ofen administered to a high public officer, to a soldier or sailor, or to an alien applying for naturalization. --- Also termed loyalty oath; test oath.”
Next; The "Oath of Admission" by BAR members given by the Supreme Court Clerk.
1). C.R.C.P. 201.14 (2013)
Rule 201.14. Oath of Admission.
(1) No applicant shall be admitted to the Bar of this State until such time as he or she has taken the oath of admission prescribed by the Supreme Court.
2). Becoming a Foreign Agent;
Admission to Practice Law
Colorado Board of Law Examiners
1300 Broadway, Suite 520, Denver, CO 80203 (303) 928-7770; coloradosupremecourt.us
The Colorado Board of Law Examiners handles: • applicant investigations • application process • new attorney applications • on-motion admissions
The Colorado Board of Law Examiners, whose members are appointed by the Colorado Supreme Court, comprises two committees. The Law Committee is responsible for all aspects of the Colorado Bar Examination. The Bar Committee is responsible for determining that applicants for admission are morally, mentally, and ethically fit to practice law, as well as determining eligibility for on-motion admission (admission without examination). Rules governing admission are cov- ered by the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure (C.R.C.P. 201 et seq.). Everyone who wants to practice law in Colorado must first file an application with this office.
3). Attorneys at law are given the title of 'Esquire' through the BAR, a title meaning 'Shield Bearer'; they carry this shield for the 'Crown of the City of London'.
4). Attorneys are "Officers of the Court" (direct "conflict of interest", and attorneys are absolutely "BAR"red from challenging the jurisdiction of the court) and as such they have sworn to uphold the law as it exists, and as they have been taught.
5). BAR attorneys cannot be classed higher than the sovereign and are, in fact, removed as a sovereign since they have accepted allegiance with other than the people.
6). The BAR and those associated with it are non-entities as far as the Constitution and the authority of the sovereign are concerned.
7). The allegiance of BAR attorneys is not to the law established by the Constitution and, therefore, not to the sovereign.
8). THE TREASONOUS ACT DEFINED; C.R.S. 24-50-133 (2013)
24-50-133. Subversive acts - disqualification
No person shall be appointed to or retained in any position in the state personnel system who advocates or knowingly belongs to any organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States by force or violence, with the specific intent of furthering the aims of such organization.
9). And as to their FALSIFIED FIDELITY BOND(s);
Pursuant to C.R.C.P. 227 an attorney must verify on an annual basis that if they are engaged in the private practice of law, whether the attorney is currently covered by professional liability insurance and, if so, whether the attorney intends to maintain insurance during the time the attorney is engaged in the private practice of law.
11). AND; C.R.S. 24-50-117 (2013)
24-50-117. Prohibited activities of employees
No employee shall engage in any employment or activity which creates a conflict of interest with his duties as a state employee. The board shall promulgate general rules on incompatible activities, conflicts of interest, and employment outside the normal course of duties of state employees.
12). AND; C.R.S. 24-50-116 (2013)
24-50-116. Standards of performance and conduct
Each employee shall perform his duties and conduct himself in accordance with generally accepted standards and with specific standards prescribed by law, rule of the board, or any appointing authority.
13). AND; C.R.S. 24-50-104.5 (2013)
24-50-104.5. Compliance with federal laws
(1) The state personnel director shall establish the general criteria and processes necessary for the state personnel system to fully comply with all applicable federal employment laws.
Next: The Duties & Oaths of the Secretary of State, and Secretary of the Treasury;
1). C.R.S. 24-22-104 (2013)
24-22-104. Access to all state offices
The state treasurer shall have full and free access to the offices of all departments, institutions, and agencies of the state government for the inspection and examination of such books, records, accounts, and papers as concern any of his duties.
2). C.R.S. 24-22-101 (2013)
24-22-101. Oath - bond and sureties - conditions of bond
(a)On or before the second Tuesday in January after his election and before entering upon his duties, the state treasurer shall take and subscribe to the oath required by the state constitution and shall give a bond to the people of the state of Colorado in the sum of one million dollars, with not less than ten individual sureties or one or more surety companies authorized to do business in this state. The bond and each surety shall be approved by the governor and the attorney general and held in the custody of the secretary of state.
(b) The conditions of said bond shall be in substance that the state treasurer and all persons employed in the treasury department under his supervision shall faithfully discharge their respective duties and trusts and that the state treasurer shall be held responsible against all risks and losses whatsoever for all state moneys coming into his hands or received by the treasury department.
(c) If the bond is furnished by one or more surety companies, the entire premium therefor shall be paid by the state (the People), and the general assembly shall appropriate the amount thereof.
3). AND; C.R.S. 24-21-114 (2013)
24-21-114. Secretary of state collection of business information
Beginning thirty days after January 1, 2014, the secretary of state shall request that each individual who files documents with the secretary of state pursuant to part 3 of article 90 of title 7, C.R.S., submit information to the secretary of state upon initial registration of a business and when updating a business registration. The secretary of state shall request that each reporting entity, as that term is defined in section 7-90-102 (58), C.R.S.,
4). AND; C.R.S. 24-21-110 (2013)
24-21-110. Applications for licenses - authority to suspend licenses - rules
(1) Every application by an individual for a license issued by the department of state or any authorized agent of such department shall require the applicant's name, address, and social security number.
(2) The department of state or any authorized agent of the department shall deny, suspend, or revoke any license pursuant to the provisions of section 26-13-126, C.R.S.,
5). AND; C.R.S. 24-21-101 (2013)
24-21-101. Office at seat of government - duties - bond
(1) The secretary of state shall keep office at the seat of government and perform all the duties which may be required of the secretary of state by law. The secretary of state shall have charge of and keep all the acts and resolutions of the territorial legislature and of the general assembly of the state, the enrolled copy of the constitution of the state, and all bonds, books, records, maps, registers, and papers of a public character which may be deposited, to be kept in the office. The secretary of state shall give a bond to the state (THE PEOPLE) of Colorado in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of the office, said bond to be approved by the governor and attorney general and to be deposited in the office of the state treasurer.
6). FINALLY; Have a perusal of the attached response from the Secretary of State, having to do with those records & bonds of Bar members that have not been lawfully submitted, held by the Secretary of State, or the Secretary of the Treasury, for Public inspection & review.
7). CONCLUSION: The "Colorado Bar Association," a.k.a. "The Colorado Supreme Court," is a "Foreign Entity," and "Foreign Corporation," not bound to Colorado's Constitutional Laws, yet they are afforded the courtesies of "Nobility," and provided protection from the Secretary of State, the State Treasurer, and the Executive Office of the Governor; all of whom are in "Non-Compliance" of Federal Law!! They are, however, indictable under Common Law, Natural Law, the People's Inalienable Rights, and Federal Law under USC Titles #18 and #42!-