
  • This is the reason why we must not have our weapons taken away from us.  The arrival time before the police get to the residence could mean life or death.  I do not want to wait til the cops arrive; that time span could cost me my life.

  • “Unless the defendant can establish that he is not a citizen of the United States, the IRS possesses authority to attempt to determine his federal liability.” United States v. William M. Slater, (D. Delaware), 545 F. Supp 179, 182 (1982)

    While cited from a tax case, this is true of all instances where federal agencies are acting on state soil (under federal jurisdiction) and where (quasi) 'state' agencies are enforcing federal statute or state statute derived therefrom.

    "A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ..." (Kitchens v. Steele 112 F.Supp 383)

    •  ?????? Did we watch the same video of the retired police officer defending himself and his family from a burglary gone wrong ? What are you referencing with your comments regarding the IRS and United States citizens and federal jurisdiction ? Is there a point to be made relevant to the video ? What did I miss that you are referring to ? ... ???

      • Bruce, yes there is ... the point I'm making is that by unwarily accepting the municipal citizenship of the District of Columbia city-state, folks inadvertently make themselves subject to statutes of that unique jurisdiction, which are otherwise genuinely un-Constitutional when applied against a State Citizen holding Lawful Permanent Domicile in such State's original ordinary jurisdiction.

        By 'lining up those ducks', Judges are freed from their box of having to enforce unjust statutes on folks according to the current parameters. So, if EVERYONE re-situated themselves under strict State Jurisdiction ... laughably few of these Washington City impositions (like gun 'laws' for only one example) would become impossible to continue foisting on folks, since nearly ALL of them wholly depend of that status of 'Person'.

        •  I don't recall ANY such connection to ANY of what you stated / covered ! ? Your comment seems quite out of the Blue , without a direct connection to what was viewed and heard in the video. Beyond that simple point there is way too much to contend with otherwise, with your statements . Remember , ... you're trying to get someone else to "understand" your points , aren't you ? !  Make it clear and well connected to some facts in evidence , otherwise it comes across as some strange musings without  foundation or relevance . Peace

          • "Make it clear and well connected to some facts in evidence , otherwise it comes across as some strange musings without  foundation or relevance."

            Bruce, what could be more clear and directly connected than ... status as 'citizen of the United States' gives the District of Columbia city-state municipal jurisdiction over someone's Person?

            And, what could be more a foundation for reaching that conclusion than numerous cites from the courts plainly and blatantly delineating the connection?

            'Gun Control' (among myriad other irritations) doesn't revolve around federales 'overstepping their bounds' and 'acting un-Constitutionally'. It centers on legally structured jurisdictions folks are tempted into traversing themselves under. They're fraudulently invoked, because federales NEVER disclose complete loss of Natural Right exchanged for Civil Right in making the traverse ... but a START at dissolving them is to begin recognizing the nexus and systematically cutting them away.

            • CONNECT IT TO THE V I D E O ! ! Not just in your head waiting to jump out on some vague impromptu thought connection ! Remember , what is in YOUR HEAD may Not already be in ANOTHERS HEAD ! Other than that , I tend to agree with what you are getting at ... ultimately .

  • Hey Pat,

    Well said. Bruce does make a point though. How did we get on that subject? That said, everything you said right down to the last Capitalization, is exactly correct. If Bruce isn't aware of this knowledge, that's his loss. You can't fix stupid.

    I saw the video and I'm going to make sure that everybody I know sees it too. That I believe is the best thing we can do with this video, share it. It illustrates a very basic and stark point, that with a gun and lots of bullets you're called a hero and without them, a corpse. "I would rather be judged by 12 of my friends than carried by 6 of them."

    Get some wisdom Bruce. Listen to Pat, he knows what he's talking about. Spread the video.

    • Morton, thanks very much for your warm support. I deeply appreciate it.

      If our Civil Standing at Bar wasn't corrupted by these contrived presumptions of government's, we wouldn't find it necessary to HAVE to glorify self-defense. We'd be in a position to congratulate and admire such valiant defense of one's home ... as a matter of course

      In a perverse way, we defend our already firmly Reserved Right to 'keep and bear' at the dismissal of exactly what makes that defense necessary in the FIRST place. That we find ourselves preserving what is clearly and blatantly set out as inviolate, needs more intensive dissemblly than superficial claim of 'corruption and 'usurpation'. I mean, hell, how can ALL judges reach ... seemingly ... un-Constitutional decisions? The truth is less apparent than too many folks are diligent enough to ferret out.

      This corruption of Person is essentially more potent and encompassing of a threat than knocking down our doors and TAKING our guns by force ... because it's the status of Person which lay at the core of such an act's technical justification! It lay at the core of so MANY 'mysteries', that it's something of a panacea cure for most of what vexes The People!

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