
  • The Zionist News Network (ZNN) is owned by the bankers and war machine companies. They did not want Ron Paul for President because he said he would bring all troops home. All wars are banker wars created for banker profits. We don't have a constitutional "democracy". We have a constitutional republic, not a democracy at all, and we see that in Article Four, Section Four of our constitution. The democracy was created in 1871 by the Act of 1871, and in 1933 when the corporation United States went bankrupt. It is still bankrupt and has become a very corrupt, out of control tyrannical company run by psychopaths who only want perpetual war for profits. That agenda has changed. The people have woken up and now we will see many of these corrupt people follow the law because as of September 1st, they are all individually responsible for their actions. For more information on that listen to my blogtalk show here in the archives called The Significance of the Papal Decree. We won't have a war in Syria. We won't have WWIII either. The banker war machine is going out of business.

  • Good to hear from you again Karl : I'm glad that this so called "President" ! Did't violate the Constitution again ! By declaring war on Syria ! And by doing the right thing ! By following the Constitution ! And going to Congress first ! And getting Congressional approval ! With a vote rather to go to war with Syria or not ! Concerning The Pope's Decree : I'm concerned ; That senators ! Like John McCain ! Are still on Capital Hill ! Walking around ! I though these senators would be on their way out by now ? Either by Resigning ! Or being adjudicated ! And my God ! These senator's are still hanging around over there on Capital Hill ! I see these senators on T.V. new's ! On all the talk show's ! Karl ! Why are they still there and not resigning ? Or being adjudicated ? Thank's ! Sincerely, Steve

  • Stephen Johnston said:
    Good to hear from you again Karl : I'm glad that this so called "President" ! Did't violate the Constitution again ! By declaring war on Syria ! And by doing the right thing ! By following the Constitution ! And going to Congress first ! And getting Congressional approval ! With a vote rather to go to war with Syria or not ! Concerning The Pope's Decree : I'm concerned ; That senators ! Like John McCain ! Are still on Capital Hill ! Walking around ! I though these senators would be on their way out by now ? Either by Resigning ! Or being adjudicated ! And my God ! These senator's are still hanging around over there on Capital Hill ! I see these senators on T.V. new's ! On all the talk show's ! Karl ! Why are they still around and not resigning ? Or being adjudicated ? Thank's ! Sincerely, Steve
  • Be careful with the controlled media. Our media outlets are still pumping out stories that are made to create the greatest fear effect, because they still believe that horror stories get the most attention.  Obama and every member of Congress are totally liable for their actions now, without the protections and immunities from the Vatican. We are seeing the last of the dog and pony show and the end of the war machine and the criminal banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve. Don't waste your time on those shows. Don't get into fear. There will be no war in Syria and no WWIII.

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