There is no doubt that the minimum wage is counter-productive. You have to ask yourself; Why would anyone do this? What do they wish to accomplish? And:
Who comes out the winner when you follow the money?
Those that [who] get the raise, give relief to the tax payers [Taxpayers?], when there [their], food stamps get cut and they will be less likely to buy crap when they are spending money they had to earn.
The ones that [who] loose [lose] there [their] jobs will get more benefits and get to squeeze the tax payers [Taxpayers?] more and the government gets more slaves on the plantation.
There is no doubt that the minimum wage is counter-productive. You have to ask yourself; Why would anyone do this? What do they wish to accomplish? And:
Who comes out the winner when you follow the money?
Those that [who] get the raise, give relief to the tax payers [Taxpayers?], when there [their], food stamps get cut and they will be less likely to buy crap when they are spending money they had to earn.
The ones that [who] loose [lose] there [their] jobs will get more benefits and get to squeeze the tax payers [Taxpayers?] more and the government gets more slaves on the plantation.
Bottom line we loose...