There are more voters in Los Angeles County than there are in the combined populations of the states of New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Montana and Wyoming.
If we abolish the Electoral College the voters in the nine states listed above would be cancelled by the voters from a single county in Southern California.
If you believe that the President should be elected by the popular vote of all of the people in all of the states, you believe that should be a democracy rather than a republic. The Electoral College was created to prevent the tyranny of the majority.
I would just add to that video that if the intent of the Electors was to Represent their States in investigating qualified Presidential & Vice Presidential Candidates and then Voting for the Presidential Candidate that would best Represent the interest of their State, Then they would be appointed by the State Legislature that Represents the State. No, but Electors are chosen by the People of particular districts of the State. Unfortunately the primary ballots are divided into Party factions. The People of an area choose from among themselves someone they know & trust. He is to investigate the qualifications of the Candidate & whether he would be in agreement with the Constituents of that particular district & cast his vote accordingly. The sole Elector does not Represent the State but only the People of the District. The total of Electors Represent the State's Inhabitants but do not Represent the State. The State being the entity created by the Inhabitants. I disagree that 'My Maryland', is a "Winner Take All State." Which means whomever the majority of Electors select the other Electors votes are stollen & given to the other Presidential Candidate.
Listen to Maryland's State Song with Lyrics as it rebukes that Lincoln Despot who arrested our State Legislators indefinite detention with no charge or court to keep them from voting for Succession.