----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


So now we're supposed to believe that Bonehead had all of us in mind when he and the rest of the old guard pushed thru another last minute bill, expecting we should be happy that we're spending less money than last year. As if $1.1 Trillion in 6 months is good government. Wow! Wish I had some of that kinda wealth layin around to spend; and get paid to do it.

Meanwhile back on the Ranch, the Moose-Limb-in-Chief continues to defy Congress and completely ignore the Constitution. Obama himself will tell you exactly what he intends if you're listening. Do the words "Fundamental Transformation" ring a bell?

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  • Blah...blah...blah. Ho hum.
    There's only one of two way this can end.
  • Ken, wish you would further you idea of the two ways to end king obummers reign. Do you mean assassination and impeach?
  • Well now that's very much what I have been thinking he was up to all a long. Obamadoesnotcare that he's violating his oath of office, and that he is using his administrative authority to exceed his authority under the Constitution. His days of getting away with violating the Constitution are winding down. He's got a real problem with getting his appointee for the office of the Attorney General cleared, and are decreasing with each day, and any other appointee he wanted cleared by Congress, but he does not care, he will do this again, just as he did with the NLRB appointees who were illegally appointed to that board when Congress was in a recess, and the courts pointedly said his appointments to the NLRB were flat out illegal.

    This man is the most dangerous President this nation has ever had. He makes Nixon look good right now in comparison to what Nixon did.  If we don't watch him very carefully, every single action and executive directives are completely suspect and have been ever since he took office. He simply has taken up the role as a dictator, and we know what we can expect him to do in this predictable situation, he is looking for even the lamest reason on earth to declare Marshall law, and amplify his police state authority as the CEO of Amerika inc. One look of him even sitting near Al Sharpton is reason to see that his association with a Hyperactive Race Baiter such as Al is, spells out a master plan for a race war state. If any one doubts that, look at Ferguson Mo, and the 83 cities that had demonstrations that were nothing more then a multi state conspiracy to commit organized crimes across state lines. Is the FBI looking into this as a conspiracy to commit crimes across state lines? No, the FBI isn't even mentioned in the news about these organized crime scheduled "demonstrations" to commit acts of looting and of organised crimes across state lines. 

    Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson had their hands in a lot of this crap in the Trevon Martin case, and the Michael Brown case, the linkage is there, and both of them should be under investigation right now, but they are mysteriously absent in any media coverage on these two cases let alone any other crimes that can be linked to these two racists. And if that statement offends any one, that's just too bad for them. Both of them are racists and I, for one, don't mind one bit saying that one damn bit. The ability for the people to look the other way when a major crime by the government is committed right in front of them is amazing. That's how Hitler and Stalin did what they did because the masses were so under the influence of these two evil men, that they just let it go on with little to no resistance by the people who just let them run amuck as they destroyed their country's.

    And we just sit here and do nothing. I think enough people know what he's planning on doing, he wants and needs a national emergency to polarize this country to continue his "fundamental change" he promised the people who voted for him, and we as a people are letting him get away with this crap. When, not if, he declares Marshall law, you might be looking at the 2016 elections being cancelled by his executive order's in his false flag national emergency police state. The concept of such events is troubling to say the least. His third term under Marshall law will lead to a disaster long before any one even notices, and it's going on right now, and this was just a passing thought I had. We as a Nation are going down the same route that Germany and Russia did, and we can expect the same results too.

    Lincoln was right, we are falling right now into destruction, because we let it happen. Freedom falls from our grasp because we are not worth it, we have to take it back, and if we want it, we have to maintain it too. Freedom has to be earned and maintained daily, and as a Nation we are shaming not only our selves, but the dream of the Founders as well.

    • You said "Lincoln was right, we are falling right now into destruction, because we let it happen. Freedom falls from our grasp because we are not worth it, we have to take it back, and if we want it, we have to maintain it too. Freedom has to be earned and maintained daily, and as a Nation we are shaming not only our selves, but the dream of the Founders as well."

      Just how do you suggest we go about doing that?? Just like all the rest just mouth and no action .

      • I kinda disagree there Byron,

        The people who frequent the Constitution Club are doing more than anyone I know to effect change in the right direction, you included Byron. We converse here, but perform deeds elsewhere in our communities and townships.

        The people at the Constitution Club whom I've grown to know o'er these many moons, have inspired me beyond anything I thought possible. If you would have asked me two years ago; do you think you will be some kinda Writer/Editor I would have said you were crazy.

        I started out just a guy with a lot to say about freedom and money and taxes, etc. Now look. Over 80 articles later and countless words absorbed, I sit here, communicating with the finest folks one could imagine. Patriots every one. Good people to the core. Smart, dedicated, hard working folk such as yourself.

        • Morton

          So you have turned into some kinda Writer/Editor, writing about 100 amendments to the Constitution, which no government official pays any attention to anyway, and other things. 

          When was the last time you called or wrote your Congressman or Senator and explained how the money system works and demanded they change it to a wealth-based money system?   When’s the last time you picketed a bank?  When was the last time you asked all the members of the Constitution Club to do the same thing or to do any real action of any kind?

          When was the last time you when out on the street and explained to anybody and everybody the power the bankers have when they own all the money in the world and everybody is in debt to them and paying interest to them?

          When was the last time you wrote your Congressman and Sen. and asked them when the Constitution gave Congress the power to create money why does Congress keep on borrowing and paying interest to from those who wouldn’t have  any real authority to create money?

          • Wow Byron,

            How many of those things have you done? All of them?

            1. I have served two terms in my local party to change minds by hitting the bricks talking about the fiat based currency we use and registering voters etc. Ask my friends if they've learned enough about money yet.
            2. I KNOW my Senators/Representatives and I do push the envelope and hold their feet to the fire on more than one subject. I speak to them quite often and always in person.
            3. I attend townhall meetings. I bring suggestions and issues that NO ONE else does.
            4. I almost got arrested at National City Bank one time because I raised such a fuss over certain issues; that were all true and accurate BTW.
            5. I know most of the judges in our local courts personally and I have their ear if I wish it so. They are not exactly in a position to do much in this town full of Democrats and unions, but I keep workin 'em.
            6. And if you want to ask about being commited to the cause or what have you, I walk the path of a freeman, I don't just talk about it. Most people think I'm only a step or two from dropping completely off the grid and disappearing for good; barefoot in some forest somewhere.
            7. And last but certainly NOT least, I NEVER tell people they should do what I'm doing without warnings about the very dangerous and permanent nature of these actions. I do try to tell people to get involved however and that is why I like this venue. It allows me to share what I think is true wisdom and guidance. And I can learn from others too, like yourself with money. BTW; how much gold and silver have YOU got stashed, eh?

            I hope this clears up a little for you and you can begin to believe that I belong where I am. I was born a teacher and a leader, not a follower. I am true, not fake. I AM the Managing Editor of this site because of who and what I am and do. 

            And yes there are some 46 new ideas I have that could possibly do good, but I'm no expert. I'm just a guy who has a lot to say about a lot. Hence the Main Contributing Writer title too. If you've had a good look at my suggestions and think you can improve upon them, I welcome the input.

            I don't quite understand why all this would be important for you to believe that maybe I'm a little right about the kind of people you have here at the Constitution Club. Have a nice day Byron. Thanks for all your contributions which I have read BTW.

            • Morton

              You asked.  How many of those things have you done? All of them?  The answer is yes and a lot more.

              I had served two terms as precinct chairman for political party.  I have kicked out of a bank three times in one day for just wanting to change paper notes in the dollar coins. I have gotten a bill to change the money system introduced and have hearings on it in Minnesota legislature many times. I have run for the United States Senate.  I have been I have been in jail for six months for contempt of court are simply stating the truth. The list goes on.

              You stated:  “I know most of the judges in our local courts personally” that I believe “and I have their ear if I wish it so” I believe that you think you have their ear I don’t believe you have their ear if you suggest that you file a complaint against the banks for fraud which they are clearly committing.

              Then one last statement there is nothing wrong with Fiat money. There is a lot wrong with debt-based interest-bearing money.  Fiat money does not need to be debt-based it could be wealth based.

              Enjoy your hard working day.

  • Please do not put words in my mouth Janis.
    I will clarify for you.
    By "one of two ways this can end" I mean that We The People will finally rise up and take our government back from the people who have hijacked it or, we will all just "roll over" and let the usurper and his syncophants continue on their destructive path.
    (imho) it's pretty simple...one or the other.
    you.by Выставлен на продажу
    • Take it easy Ken,

      I didn't see anyone putting words in your mouth. You were simply asked to clear up the comment YOU left hanging. You don't need to attempt to start an argument with Janis where there is none. Just answer the question; as you now have. Next time just say what you mean, eh? Don't attack someone else because they're not a mind reader, eh? Righto!

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