----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

When the Constitution was written its authors wanted to make sure that anyone who ran for the office of President would have the undivided loyalty of the people in their new nation. They indicated that any Native Born citizen of any of the states could run for Congress, but only Natural Born Citizens would be able to run for the Presidency in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5.

They wanted to prevent the possibility that a "subject", of the British Criown or any other foreign power could ever be elected President of the United States. In order to be a Natural Born Citizen the candidate would need to have parents with undivided loyalty to the United States.

They did not want a member of the British Parliament to be able to marry an American Citizen and allow their children to have a right to run for the Presidency. They felt that the child would be a dual citizen and would have his allegiance divided between two countries.

They also knew that centralized power was both a lure to corruption and a bad idea, so the constitution was written to provide protections at many levels against this happening. They divided the government in to equal powers with checks and balances. They introduced the idea that the states should have a voice independent of the general public, in order to protect the needs of each autonomous Republic (state), within this new union in Article I Section 3. They gave us The Bill of Rights and made sure that the government itself would coin (stamp), and control the value of money with Article I, Section 8, Clause 5.

However, this is not the way it is today. Today, foreign bankers and their agents have infiltrated our government at every level. Members of the BAR Association have seized control of our courts. We even have numerous men and women serving in Congress who are citizens of Israel and for the first time in the history of America, we have a President who has chosen a fake name and won't show us proof that he is indeed a Natural Born Citizen.

As a matter of fact, our Supreme Court is packed with lawyers who are members of the B.A.R. Association and "subject to its jurisdiction" not loyal to America. The lawyers in Congress and the members of the Supreme Court are agents of the financial elite, take their marching orders from the international bankers who own the Fed.

Native Born or Natural Born, we are not in control of the situation at this point. If we don't wake up, we will soon find ourselves in a country we barely recognize.

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  • The definitive exposition on this question is at http://constitution.org/abus/pres_elig.htm

  • Love the article, Liked the reply as well. Lots of research material here. NOW if we can only get the congress to read and follow this information is and has been the problem. The chief justices should have thrown the bum out during the first primaries.

  • The issue really is WHAT CONSTITUTION is being talked about.  Is it the Original on from 1789, as amended 1791 (Bill of Rights) or are we talking about the current CONstitution of 1871, which is the DC one?  

    Additionally, since 1871, the so-called PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES takes 2 OATHS (Public and then PRIVATE).  The Public one is in view of anyone who is there or watches on TV.  The Private one is in the WHITE HOUSE.

    Originally, the one who won the election by POPULAR VOTE was declared the WINNER and then took the OATH to the 'Office of the President'.  He was to select a PRESIDENT of the United States, not hold both OFFICES, which is what it is now....

    As for BAM BAM, the question of the BIRTH CERT was not entirely the right question.  It should have been this question:  Did the birth of BAM BAM come from a man and a woman who were both born on the usA or not?  The answer is NO, so this would make him ineligible; but wait, there are no requirements to be PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, just for the Office of President.

    Based on the statement below taken from the link from Jon Roland
       Drafted in secret by delegates to the Constitutional Convention during the summer of 1787, this four-page document, signed on September 17, 1787, established the government of the United States.

    If this document was to stand for the country, the word 'OF' is not the same as 'FOR'; thus this document was nothing more than that which the ROTHSCHILDS mandated be done to begin with; The ARTICLES of CONFEDERATION has never been repealed and as such, this is really the document we should be working from but since the word again is 'OF', then it raises another question as well.

    First and foremost where is it anywhere that any of us are BOUND by some document created back in 1787 or 1871 anyway?  Any of us should be able to decide (Free Will), not by FORCE, to OBEY some document that truly was meant for the POSTERITY of those who 'WITNESSED' the CONstitution, not signed such.  The document to begin with had to go to the states to be ratified but for most, this document was not seen for many years after it was WITNESSED....

    Those men who WITNESSED the document, many of them were agents to the CROWN.  The ROTHSCHILDS mandated payment for funds (LOANS) to fight the REVOLUTIONARY WAR and to this date, the LOANS granted by the ROTHSCHILDS have never been repaid; having said that. one only needs go to these two documents to see this.  So since the debts have never been repaid and these treaty can't be dismissed, they are still in effect today.  But really, where did any of us have any say in this?  Like I said, everyone is a FEDERAL PERSONNEL, per 5 USC 552a(a13) and to get a better understanding of this, one need only check out these two links to get a better info for comprehension.
    1) http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/552a and
    2) https://keystoliberty2.wordpress.com/tag/5-usc-552aa13/ (this has more indepth explanation about by having and using a SSN and being eligible for (DEFERRED) payments, one is subject to the STATUTES, RULES, REGULATIONS and LAWS of the UNITED STATES and the STATES, as NO state today follows the CONstitution anyway and only uses STATUTES to enforce COMMERCIAL LAW or the that of the 'LAW MERCHANT' -- http://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/2/2-104.  This is by way of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code).  All COURTS operate using this PRIVATE CODE and hold everyone to it.  These courts are not COMMON LAW COURTS but ADMINISTRATIVE COURTS.  They, for the most part only deal with enforcing STATUTES and what is called 'VICTIMLESS CRIMES'; ex: TRAFFIC STOPS of any kind, unless there is an 'INJURY' directly a result of some kind.  None of this deals with any state CONstitution but only STATE CODES, RULES, REGULATIONS or STATUTES.  These courts are either ARTICLE I or ARTICLE II Courts, not ARTICLE III Courts, which deal with EQUITY.  

    1) Treaty of Versailles -- REPAYMENT of DEBT incurred during the WAR                                                          contract of 16th July, 1782

    ARTICLE 1.

    The payment of the six millions livres, French money, above mentioned, shall be made from the funds of the royal treasury, in proportions of five hundred thousand livres during each of the twelve months of the present year, under the acknowledgments of the Minister of the said United States, promising, in the name of Congress and in behalf of the thirteen United States, to reimburse and refund the said six million livres in ready money at His Majesty's royal treasury, at the house of the Sieur Grand, banker at Paris, with interest at five per cent per annum, at periods hereafter stipulated in the third and fourth articles. The advances which His Majesty has been pleased to allow to be made on account of the six millions in question, shall be deducted in the payments of the first month of this year.

    2) The Paris Peace Treaty of 1783 --                                                                                                          third day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three

    Article 4:

              It is agreed that creditors on either side shall meet with no lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value in sterling money of all bona fide debts heretofore contracted.

    As long as one has an SSN, they are subject to the STATUTES, as 'FEDERAL PERSONAL'.  Folks need to do two things:

    See that ATTACHED POWER POINT on CONTRACTS, as that is all the COURTS do, and that is ADMINISTER CONTRACT LAW....


    PowerPoint on Contracts_from Bernie Besherse_111411.ppt

  • I know the time for a peaceful change is long gone, which is why the founders gave us the 2nd amendment. However, we lack the fortitude to commit to the Founders intent when they wrote the Constitution, so we need another key point to clean out the corruption. Where is the next Concord event we need to start to clean out this corruption out of our country? It's coming and the corruption in Government knows it is, which is why they want to get rid of our God Given right to self defence against the corruption in Government.

    The EPA, under the liar in office right now, has closed down the last lead smelter we had in 2014. No more lead refining is allowed in this country under the currant office holder. If he couldn't get our fire arms, all he needs to do is ban the refining of lead to slowly disarm the people, and none of us are even aware of this. This was done because this office holder is out of control in his abuse of office. The coming financial collapse of America is very near now and his spending habits will be one of the hallmarks of what started this collapse to begin with. Impeachment of this one person will not resolve this mess, so the next and only option is by force and he knows this too. We have found the enemy, and this time it's domestic.

    It's long past time to end the Crown's presence on our soil. Enforcement of the Original 13th Amemndment will end the presence of BAR members holding public office. Every single Judge at least once in their life time has violated their oath of office, they are sworn members of the multitude of BAR associations across this country. Time to end the scharade once and for all.


      Let's put the original 13th back on the books that was NEVER removed by an act of congress.

      The ORIGINAL 13th Amendment

      United States Constitution (annotated) 1938. Notice the footnotes at the bottom.
      [Burdick, The Law of the American Constitution, 637] Go to page 637

      Virginia State Law book 1819 (abbrv. 34 pgs see page 30)

      The Virginia Book of March 12, 1819 printed by Thomas Ritchie viewed above is in this timeline.

      This is a page from America's Own Book printed 1853.

      I WANT TO KNOW if the ORIGINAL 13th amendment was in the books for 50 years where is the act of congress or order to remove it?

      This is a great research site.....

      PS That is a original Mason Seal in the Virginia book. I held it in my hands and witnessed these copies as true to original.

      or go here.... all the above is in this link....... http://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/original-13th-amendment

      Laws Constitution of the United States of Americe 1938.pdf
      Shared with Dropbox
      • Rosanna, I too, support the National Liberty Alliance efforts to restore our Constitution, our efforts cannot be ignored now.

        Thank you for your excellent research and the links you posted, there is no excuse for why the Original 13th amendment isn't being enforced today other then the BAR associations current domination of our legal system.

        The famous quote from Shakespeare is true to this day. He knew what so many in Government do not. You can not trust a Judge who is unaccountable to the people, judicial immunity is a violation of the Bill of Rights here in Oregon, article 1 section twenty, it's a short bill, it only about two and a half sentences long. It goes like this: No immunities or privileges shall be granted to a citizen or class of citizens that shall not apply to all citizens. That's more or less it.

        Yet our CONgress does this every day, they make exceptions all the time for themselves and they single handily create their own pay raises without having to explain why they deserve a pay raise.

        Thanks for your posting and I'm looking forward to more of your excellent posts!

  • Jon,

    I wrote a WRIT to the FEDERAL court Monday.. In part it was researched off an article you wrote on Quo Warranto. I know people brush the "oath" thing off but there is NOTHING that is more important. If they won't honor that and get it filed we don't have a snowballs chance for justice. It is the FIRST basic DUTY in office. Their bonds are DEPENDENT on their faithful performance of duty and that means upholding ALL the laws. 

    I have attached the short QUO and MANDAMUS with SUBPOENA. Would anybody please look the documents and if they don't open PLEASE let me know.

    I know this is a little off the subject of "right to hold office by birth" but it still involves the right to hold office and I really need some "POSITIVE" people who will think "out of the box" and make this work. Ex REL is for EVERYBODY. Brady has already been sued TWICE and he lost and the victims won. I was one of them thru a Writ of Mandamus, for of all things, refusing me public records. But now I need to charge him with the crimes he committed on my parents abuse and the theft of their estate. http://www.eldermurderabuseandexploitation.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-e...

    Do you know why I included CORSA and STATE FARM as respondents? It is explained in the Writ.

    I would appreciate comments or you can call me. I need all the help I can get. thanks Rosanna

    1 - WRIT of Mandamus on Brady.pdf

    2 - WRIT of Mandamus on Brady Subpoena.pdf

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