----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

93 out of the 100 Senators voted to suspend the Constitution when they voted in favor of the National Defense Authorization Act which is better known as NDAA. This legislation authorizes the President to suspend habeas corpus and detain Americans without them having a right to defend themselves. The legislation gives the President dictatorial power and strips from the rights from people who the President feels pose a threat to National Security.



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  • Names of Senators? Good time to pass it around.

  • Your email below is misleading and outdated.

    What your email below makes reference to the National Defense Authorization Act (or NDAA) A new version of NDAA is  passed every year by Congress.
     The 2012 NDAA contains several controversial sections (see article), the chief being §§ 1021-1022, which affirm provisions authorizing the indefinite military detention of civilians, including U.S. citizens, without habeas corpus or due process, contained in the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force(AUMF).
    Thus only the 2012 version contained a citizen detention clause but this 2012 version was suspended* in 2012. The 2014 NDAA version (H.R. 3304) does NOT contain this language.
    (*Note:  the 2012 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) for Fiscal Year 2012 in which Congress "affirms" presidential authority for indefinite detention under the AUMF was suspended May 16, 2012 by a lawsuit ( called Hedges v. Obama). The plaintiffs (journalists and activists) won an injection against the NDAA (and AUMF). The court found that the 2012 language in AUMF was changed and more vague in that the use of citizen detention was not confined to just those that support 9/11 terrorist activities.)
    So your fears about the NDAA (suspending the Constitution) have been put to rest making your email outdated.
    The new version on NDAA may be less offensive than the original, but it was immoral, unrighteous and unconstitutional and never should have been passed.
  • Names, please?

  • Wish I would have known this two weeks ago... Ron Johnson was on my brother's talk show. If it was available then, I'm truly sorry I didn't check this blog deeper.  

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