New California - Explained



8575552888?profile=original For over one hundred years the State of California was known as the Golden State. The people thrived in a land that was rich in natural resources and the people were among the most prosperous in the nation.

In the 1965 while Edmund G. "Pat" Brown was governor the Supreme Court Case Reynolds v Sims changed the political landscape in California which has lead to the demise of the Golden State.

Up until  this historic case, the state Legislature consisted on an  Assembly which represented the people in the urban counties and a state Senate that represented the people in the rural counties.

In 1965 the state legislature voted to elect our state senators based on population and senatorial districts were created.  Instead of having one house representing the people and one house representing the counties, we have two houses representing the will of the people in the urban  counties.

With this new plan in action we lost the checks and balances which had made California great and created an opportunity of majority to run rough shod over the minority

The Federal Constitution mandates that each state shall have a republican form of government and the apportionment in our state legislature is democratic rather than republican in form,

With nearly 40 million people living in California is has become virtually impossible to govern state efficiently. Dividing California in to two separate states is an idea whose time has come.

The 15 counties in yellow represent the California and the 43 counties in blue represent the counties of New California. There would be approximately 25 million people in California and 15 million people in the state of New California.

Under this plan, the urban counties would form the state of California and the rural counties would form the state of New California.


While most of the state legislatures are in session for three months California's legislature is in session for eleven months. We the people are under represented, over taxed and over regulated. The average state legislator in the other forty nine states is paid a base salary of $42,750 while California State Senators and Assemblymen are paid $104.00/year plus a per diem of $183 for every day the legislature is in session.

Inadequate Representation Click Here



Earl Warren, a former governor of California, was appointed by President Eisenhower to the Supreme Court in 1953. Two very significant cases heard by the court was in the case of Baker v Carr and Reynolds V. Sims. It was the opinion of the Supreme Court that the apportionment in many of the state legislatures violated the equal protection of the law clause in the Fourteenth Amendment.

As a result of the Supreme Court decision, California stripped the counties of their representation in the state senate and decided to create senatorial districts based on population. Before this change took place the interests of both the people in the urban and rural counties were represented. Now we have the residents of eleven northern counties being represented by one senator and the county of Los Angeles being represented by fourteen senators.

This decision destroyed the checks and balances and created a tyranny of the majority. He apparently felt that the Federal government's apportionment in the Senate was Constitutional, but the representation in the counties in the state was unconstitutional.

In the Senate of the United States, each state is entitled to two Senators, but in the several states, there are counties with no representation at all. Why did Warren support equal representation of the states in the U.S. Senate and not support the representation of the counties at the state level.

The counties in Northern California have a relatively small population, but are blessed with large quantities of water and natural resources. The counties in the south have a very large population and very little water. Warren realized that by stripping the Northern Counties of their Senators, he could deliver Northern California water to the south with very little opposition.

It is morally wrong for the northernmost counties to be compelled to supply that water to the southernmost counties without the consent of the people. By stripping the counties in Northern California of a voice in the senate, Justice Earl Warren knew that he would be able to deliver water to the heavily populated counties and it would pay big dividends at the ballot box for him and his political allies.

California's first Constitution mandated that the counties be represented in the state senate and the people in the state assembly. In 1965 the Supreme Court caused the State of California to amend the Constitution without the approval of the voters in order to strip the rural counties of equal representation in the state senate. This was a flagrant violation of the Constitution and we need to demand the restoration of the counties in the state senate.


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