
  • What's the story here ; you telling me that Sheriff Sardino hasn't stepped up and declared for support of his taking an oath to protect and defend the Constitution in Bergen County ? No time to waste , either he declares his support , or he gets out , or he gets prosecuted and has a chance to visit his jail .

  • Sardino is another political hack.  He runs the child support work release program for child support debtors (who mostly comprise of people who lost their jobs; and most of them are unemployed Wall Street types) like they're convicted felons.  And, from what I understand there is skimming going on in the child support work release problem where the child support monies aren't making it to the children.  I understand the guys being jailed for owing child support and alimony debt are being berated and humiliated by the judges and corrections officers.

    Not only is being jailed for a CIVIL debt unconstitutional as it violates the Fourth Amendment Warrants Clause and Probable Cause provisions, it is a violation of the NJ Constitution, Article I, Section 13 which prohibits IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT IN ANY ACTION!  The judges, child support employees and law enforcement are ALL violating their constitutional Oaths of Office.  And, that constitutes felony Official Misconduct, and Treason & Sedition for undermining and overthrowing the US Constitution, which undermines our constitutional republican form of government.

  • I will personally guarantee that next year Ocean County will be there. Well, only if I win the elections. That's the only way I see it happening. I will be on the ballot for the June 4th Republican primary.

  • Well Frank you will have my vote !

    Frank J Garnick said:

    I will personally guarantee that next year Ocean County will be there. Well, only if I win the elections. That's the only way I see it happening. I will be on the ballot for the June 4th Republican primary.

  • Thank you Joseph. 

  • I will soon put up the video of my appearance at the Ocean County Citizens for Freedom meeting on my website, 

  • When your campaign gets under way please let me know what you would need me to do to help you get elected.

  • Thank you Joseph, the video should be up soon. I turned in my petition at the County Clerks office this morning. Things are starting to roll so I'll let you know.

  • The video is up.

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