The system of political parties has become the breeding ground of crime, corruption and unethical behavior. It has made it possible for the financial elite to choose the candidates and provide us with mock elections in order to enslave us.
In order for a people to be free, they must be individually responsible. We support and sustain the political parties when we register to vote. When we register as a Republican or a Democrat we give our consent to crime syndicates that make it possible for the few to exploit the many.
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson indicated that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed. Political parties also exist because the majority of people support them. We have the power to create political institutions and we have the power to withdraw our consent.
Sixty one million Americans have withdrawn their consent by refusing to register as a Republican or Democrat. There are another 60 million eligible voters who have refused to sign up to participate in the mock elections. The combined total of those who have already withdrawn their consent is over 120 million. The Democratic Party has 45 million registered members and the Republicans have another 39 million sheep in their fold.
The first thing we need to do to abolish political parties is to re-register as a non party affiliated voter. The second step is to refuse to support any candidate who has a political party affiliation. If we began to elect candidates that were obligated to serve the people and defend the Constitution the political tyranny would come to an end.
Join the No Party For Me Group
Encourage your friends, neighbors and countrymen to abandon the political parties and become a responsible human being.
Political Parties are the reason that our country is on the verge of destruction. In order to save our nation, we must abandon political parties and become individually responsible. Re-Register to vote as a non affiliated voter! Never vote for anyone who has sold his soul to the devil or is affiliated with a political party. Pardon my redundancy.
Both parties (G.O.P. and DEMS) are full of cancer and need to be stopped. I have been registered Republican all my life and voted in every major election since 1966. I have always voted for the one who I thought would advance USA the most,and not the party. The corrupt and evil we see today can't be repaired; it must be done away with and we must start over.
Do you have any ideas that actually comport with the idea of unalienable rights? Ever heard of the right of association?
When it comes to my opinion of political parties, I'm with Jefferson. I am quintessentially American; individualistic by nature.
However much I detest what political parties have become, I recognize people's right to form or join them. How can you even suggest abolishing them? By what authority can this be accomplished?
This country, my country, your country is in desperate trouble. Populist rhetoric, and political pablum for public consumption do not restore our liberty. I think you can do better than this. I sincerely wish you would try.
The best way is to do what's being done in states all across this country right now--take over the GOP from within at LOCAL and STATE level. NO WAY, with 238 years of government and indoctrinated citizenry, will there ever be an opportunity to eliminate party politics, it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. This is a nation of 315+ MILLION people, probably half of them are actually registered to vote--the only way to eliminate party politics will be FROM THE PEOPLE, not DC representatives. That means a Constitutional Convention--which is being put into place right now with 24 states signed on, 3 more have CC legislation passed through ONE House of legislature still needing a completed vote before they can sign on--leaving 7 more states needed. This convention, IF it should be held, will focus on BALANCED BUDGET Amendment and TERM LIMITS, first and foremost---TERM LIMITS is the best way to get rid of career politicians and those whose votes are owned by lobbyists and special interest groups. That's the quickest, most effective way to STOP DC government in its tracks., that will provide a new flow of leaders with no ties to lobby money and a fresh infusion of blood for all parties.
The people have the responsibility to elect virtuous men and women to represent us. The political parties are artificially created parasitic organization that allow the bankers to steal the voice of the people. The parties are corporations that are owned and operated to serve the interest of the financial elite.
Political parties divide the people into groups of selfish individuals who seek to pick the pockets of other groups before their pockets are picked. There are 60 million people that are not registered to vote and another 60 million that have abandoned the republican and democratic parties. There are 207 eligible voters and over 120 million of them have withdrawn their support of the mainstream political parties. If the disenchanted voters and those who are not registered formed a coalition they could end the tyranny of the political parties.
I think your idea of rehabilitating the Republican Party assumes that an organization that was created of, by and for the bankers can serve the people and I think this notion is naive if not down right absurd.
You have a right to join a political party if you want to and I have a right to reject political parties. You have a right to volunteer to be a slave if you wish and I have a right to be free. When you give your consent to belong to a political party you become one of their subjects.
I'm not a slave to anyone, party or otherwise. YOU can choose to sit out the process--not being a member of either of two major parties prevents you from making any decision on who the candidate is that will represent that party in general election. In Iowa and several other states--they have "open primaries" which allow citizens in one party to participate in the other party's primaries--that's exactly what happened in early GOP primaries. John McCain received DEMOCRAT votes in GOP primary because those voters cross-voted in the primary to select the candidate they saw as the weakest to face Obama in general election. The same with conservatives like Hannity and Rush Limbaugh who saw Hillary Clinton as the biggest threat and advocated voting for a weaker candidate--Obama was the leading challenger and we see how that turned out. Only the people can eliminate "parties", no way Congress will do it--and the "people" aren't inclined to do it. It's a great idea to get rid of the income tax, millions of people back the "Fair Tax" and elimination of the income tax and IRS--how's that working out for you? It WON'T happen until the people themselves have had enough--with nearly 50% of American people receiving some type of government benefit--they're more interested in where the next handout comes from rather than the fiscal viability of government or how much others are paying in income taxes. We have bigger problems than something that would be almost impossible to achieve like eliminating parties.--Taking the Senate away from the marxists in DemocRAT party and maintaining GOP House control is the most viable step America can make in a short time that could make a real influence in direction of the country. We didn't get this way in a short time and we ain't gonna fix it in a short time, but America makes big changes in makeup of Congress in November or you won't be needing to worry about "party" afterwards since the NATIONAL party will be the DemocRAT Socialist Party of America. Sitting out is NOT an option, trying to change a party in one election is not possible either but making the effort to do so is far better than making no efforts at all. IF Hillary Clinton and her party get control of Congress and White House in 2016, the United Socialist States of America WILL become reality and make the changes that Nazi Germany did look like slow motion.
Who in the hell do you think controls the political parties? It is the bankers and the financial elite. The voice of the people decides nothing. The mass media owned by the bankers determine everything. If the political parties were such a great idea why are they not mentioned in the Constitution? Why did George Washington and James Madison warn us that the establishment of political factions would have the potential to create division among the people.
The system is broken and replacing crooked democrats with corrupt republicans is not the answer. We will never have restore our Constitutional Republic if we look to political parties for solutions. As the power of political parties increases the liberty of the people decreases. Continue to think inside of their box and we will continue to be the victims of political tyranny.
222 of your Republicans voted to give President Obama the power to detain American citizens without due process of law. This is a flagrant violation of the Constitution. Only 75 Democrats voted with their President to trash the Constitution. Many of the Republican Congressmen are traitors and should serve their next term in Leavenworth.
Can't you see that you have been conned?
IT'S CALLED "TERM LIMITS" BABY!!! That's how you change Congress--the Chuckie 'Dutch Schultz' Schumer's, 'Ma Barker' Pelosi's and Feinstein's, Harry 'Capone' Reid GONE by ORDER of the American people. It starts with the PEOPLE--how many people are signed onto this blogsite--10,000, 100,000? That's a MINUTE number compared to the number of people indoctrinated by government with handouts and dependency. You aren't gonna CHANGE anything with that small number--eliminating parties is infinitesimally small compared to supporting the largest body of organized "change" in America today--TEA Party groups who advocate new leadership, different faces. The movement to convene a Constitutional Convention is the quickest way to FORCE change in DC, those politicians named above will be GONE should WE the people get 10 mores states signed up for the convention--the TWO major issues they should focus on for 'real' change is a Balanced Budget Amendment to FORCE Congress to reign in spending and DEBT and TERM LIMITS, once passed by a CC, Congress will have NO CHOICE, it will mean an immediate exodus, short of innumerable legal challenges from Congress and the RATS themselves, and a NEW influx of CITIZEN LEGISLATORS, the party establishments will be DOOMED then, no long-term professional politicians OWNED by anybody for very long.
As long as the bankers determine who the candidate will be we will be enslaved by the financial institutions that control politics. The only way to have an ethical Congress is to elect virtuous men and women who have not sold their souls to those with the money they need to get elected. Replacing one corrupt politician with a new one is like asking your rapist to wear a condom. Keep thinking inside the box and you will remain in the prison you have created for yourself.
I agree with Keith for the most part. However, there are currently three parties on at least forty nine of the fifty states and write in ballots accepted in the fiftieth. In my State, North Carolina, you either vote for one of the three parties, OR you don't vote. That being said, any one who was paying attention and any one who went to Tampa, (and I know Keith did because we were at the same bar at one point.) Knows the primaries are rigged and YOUR vote does not count. So we know "we the people" do not select the Republican candidate. it does not happen! We have also seen that the national elections favored Obama in any state that did NOT have some kind of voter ID in place. So, for my part, I will continue to vote for Libertarians when I am given that choice. NC does not count 'write in' votes and does not have a slot for independents since the process for getting on the NC Ballot is restricted by the Republicans and the Democrats every chance they get. The ONLY other legal option I am aware of is the National Liberty alliance (and common law) which is attempting to bring Common law to national awareness and restore our constitution through the current court system. So to sum up what I am trying to indicate, if you don't vote for a party candidate, which there are at lest three choices in every state, then you don't vote. Not an option for me. ( why are people insisting there are only two parties? ) If you want out side the box, join