I agree with Chuck Get the New Free American magazine on sale now at http:/www.shop.freeamerican.com. Help us stop these Elitist Bastards! Clay Douglas, the Free American.
The only thing I disagree with is I don't feel all this is the fault of the people of the United States. Most of us were brainwashed since birth to trust and believe in our government and that they are the good guys. I'm 61 years old and I have only come to realize how crooked our government is in the last few years. I'm doing everything I can to stop it but no one person can do it alone unless they are able to drop a big bomb on Washington DC. I am getting zero support from my family. They think I'm nuts. I think if we could get the few good guys out, then drop a bomb on the rest, it would be a new independence day for America. I wouldn't grieve or weep for the killing of our crooked government. I would be happy. If I were in Washington, I would not blame the people for doing that and I would prefer to die myself as opposed to leaving things as they are. There are lots of less violent plans going on that I am aware of, and I hope every one succeeds but I don't think there is much hope of that as long as there are those criminal elements in our government alive. There are so many. Our military are the only ones in a position to do anything about this. They took an oath to not do that but they also took an oath to protect the constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. I believe our biggest domestic enemy is our own government. They are domestic terrorists. When the government calls their own law abiding citizens terrorists and most of us would be on their list, that's when you really know that the government itself is what they are saying we are. America is no longer the home of the free. I am certain that the young reporter who supposedly crashed his Mercedez a couple months ago was murdered by our government. I believe he was killed by a drone. Our government is really good at paying people off to be silent. Calling obvious murders accidents or suicide and not doing a full investigation. That's been going on for years. Our government is very good at framing innocent people for the government's crimes. I believe they use drugs on unwitting people to cause them to commit horrific crimes and use that to try to take our guns away. I am aware that there are over 350,000 foreign troops on our soil that we can look forward to them coming to try to take our weapons away very soon. I know someone very well who flies drones and he believes that every person that he or others are told to kill with the drones are legitimate terrorists because our government tells him they are and he believes them. I now understand why some have done the crimes they have done. They were on to the crimes by our government way earlier than I was. Our forefathers tried to warn us but I only heard of their warnings in the last few years. It's as if they are alive today and telling us what most in this group are now fully aware of.
1. People who have something worthy to say but who fail to identify themselves so they can be contacted to find what they are willing to do to help solve our problem.
2. Messages that insinuate there is a need for action to solve our problem but which lack suggestions for doing so.
I wish everyone would include the following in their emails
Messages citing problems and an implied need to gain control of the Federal government in order to correct them - but which never offer a clue as to how we might do so - are a lost opportunity. Please consider including the following in your releases.
Peaceful options for gaining control of the Federal government are:
1. elect a President and/or totally new Congress having the courage, knowledge and integrity to honor their oath of office.
Each peaceful options demands responsible state action! Getting it will require a team such as described at www.thecnc.org/Documents/1776.htm. A communications system to help patriots locate and communicate with others in their county and state is available at www.ConstitutionClubUSA.com. Go to it, click on county and states and register for it will take an estimated 2 million voters who are united in spirit and on meaningful action to bring about needed change.
The alternatives to peacefully gaining control of our Federal government is for our law enforcement personnel (military and civilian) to honor their oath of office and/or formation of the militia authorized by Art. II of the Bill of Rights.
Please include this thought in your releases as helping to populate the communications system with a few million people will take everyone’s help.
I agree with Chuck Get the New Free American magazine on sale now at http:/www.shop.freeamerican.com. Help us stop these Elitist Bastards! Clay Douglas, the Free American.
The only thing I disagree with is I don't feel all this is the fault of the people of the United States. Most of us were brainwashed since birth to trust and believe in our government and that they are the good guys. I'm 61 years old and I have only come to realize how crooked our government is in the last few years. I'm doing everything I can to stop it but no one person can do it alone unless they are able to drop a big bomb on Washington DC. I am getting zero support from my family. They think I'm nuts. I think if we could get the few good guys out, then drop a bomb on the rest, it would be a new independence day for America. I wouldn't grieve or weep for the killing of our crooked government. I would be happy. If I were in Washington, I would not blame the people for doing that and I would prefer to die myself as opposed to leaving things as they are. There are lots of less violent plans going on that I am aware of, and I hope every one succeeds but I don't think there is much hope of that as long as there are those criminal elements in our government alive. There are so many. Our military are the only ones in a position to do anything about this. They took an oath to not do that but they also took an oath to protect the constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. I believe our biggest domestic enemy is our own government. They are domestic terrorists. When the government calls their own law abiding citizens terrorists and most of us would be on their list, that's when you really know that the government itself is what they are saying we are. America is no longer the home of the free. I am certain that the young reporter who supposedly crashed his Mercedez a couple months ago was murdered by our government. I believe he was killed by a drone. Our government is really good at paying people off to be silent. Calling obvious murders accidents or suicide and not doing a full investigation. That's been going on for years. Our government is very good at framing innocent people for the government's crimes. I believe they use drugs on unwitting people to cause them to commit horrific crimes and use that to try to take our guns away. I am aware that there are over 350,000 foreign troops on our soil that we can look forward to them coming to try to take our weapons away very soon. I know someone very well who flies drones and he believes that every person that he or others are told to kill with the drones are legitimate terrorists because our government tells him they are and he believes them. I now understand why some have done the crimes they have done. They were on to the crimes by our government way earlier than I was. Our forefathers tried to warn us but I only heard of their warnings in the last few years. It's as if they are alive today and telling us what most in this group are now fully aware of.
Two huge irritants to me are:
1. People who have something worthy to say but who fail to identify themselves so they can be contacted to find what they are willing to do to help solve our problem.
2. Messages that insinuate there is a need for action to solve our problem but which lack suggestions for doing so.
I wish everyone would include the following in their emails
Messages citing problems and an implied need to gain control of the Federal government in order to correct them - but which never offer a clue as to how we might do so - are a lost opportunity. Please consider including the following in your releases.
Peaceful options for gaining control of the Federal government are:
1. elect a President and/or totally new Congress having the courage, knowledge and integrity to honor their oath of office.
2. state action to restore the integrity of the common law grand jury and ballot boxes. (http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/JuryBoxIntegrity.htm and http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/BallotBoxIntegrityBill.htm)
3. Repeal the 17th Amendment. (http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/17thAmendment.htm)
Each peaceful options demands responsible state action! Getting it will require a team such as described at www.thecnc.org/Documents/1776.htm. A communications system to help patriots locate and communicate with others in their county and state is available at www.ConstitutionClubUSA.com. Go to it, click on county and states and register for it will take an estimated 2 million voters who are united in spirit and on meaningful action to bring about needed change.
The alternatives to peacefully gaining control of our Federal government is for our law enforcement personnel (military and civilian) to honor their oath of office and/or formation of the militia authorized by Art. II of the Bill of Rights.
Please include this thought in your releases as helping to populate the communications system with a few million people will take everyone’s help.
Unfortunately Chuck is telling the real truth.