----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Order of Authority

Who the Heck is in Charge?

Here's an interesting question posed to me for consideration. Although I have added quite a bit to the list I received, there are probably more than this. Lets see if we can all agree which should be first and which should be last. I personally have NO IDEA where to put them. Anyone want to venture a guess?

  • The Federal Constitution
  • The states' Constitutions ( all 50 of them)
  • Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC's)
  • American Jurisprudence
  • United States Codes (USC)
  • Black's Law Dictionary
  • state level Courts
  • Common Law Courts
  • U. S. supreme court - case law (Stare Decisis)
  • statutes
  • Regulations
  • Executive Orders
  • Presidential Decision Directives
  • Declaration of Independence
  • The Preamble to the Constitution

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  • None of the above. Too many laws/rules already, none of which supersede the Ten Commandments. See how easy that was?

    • I agree with you,

      I sure wish it was that way today when dealing with people who want to rule over us.

  • You have listed all of man made laws and excluded the Law of God which precedes all of those. After that I would place the Declaration of Independence because it tells us where we get our rights. Of course the Bible says we are to obey the "higher powers." (Romans 13).

    As a Christian however, when man's laws force me to disobey God's law, I must make a choice; however I don't know at what point that situation might arise. I strogly believe the "Bill of Rights" is at the top. At the bottom are executive orders which are made by one person acting on their own volition and are questionable.

    What is taking place in America is the violation of the Constitution which lays out the three branches of government and their responsibilities. However we are seeing the law making branch become useless as various government agencies are actually writing laws,i.e. the EPA, ATF, BLM, IRS and on and on they go.

    Some gov employee sitting at a desk decides what we are allowed to do in our lives. In "Gun Control in the Third Reich," it is clear that gun control by-passed the legislature in Germany and agencies wrote the laws and enforced them.

    • Not only that Glenn,

      But everyone, including me seems to have forgotten the most important guide of all.

      NATURAL LAW which guides The law of necessity. You point a gun at me, I have a right, a natural unwritten right, to shoot you dead, without question. That's the law of necessity.

      All law comes AFTER THAT!

      • Natural law and God's law I think would give authority over all, but dealing with uneducated and certain ignorant people who keep saying and referring to the word "law";  which "law"? They are really brainwashed with statutes claiming this is the law,  which I know it IS NOT.

        Maybe in circumstances of hurting or causing loss or injury to another human being is a reason to use the statutes, but the main population and law enforcement must be shown the FACTS and PROOF that their statutes do not over-rule the other forms of the LAW.

        So this week I will search for case law; something that proves statutes cannot take authority over natural rights and the UCC and/or Supreme Court. The UCC 9-109 clearly states that no registration is required for consumer goods. 

        These friggin cops over here have rocks in their head. They keep swearing up and down that statutes are the LAW and are going to break out my windows and drag me out of my truck if I take it out on the road, so I will not even speak to them anymore. ALL good answers from the group thank you !!

        It's quite different over in south Florida dealing with mob/gang members. Their agenda is to protect the corporation and they refuse to hear anything of a factual nature.

        I have been ignored by the state Rep twice, the Senator and the Sheriff ingore me all the time and the Office of the General Counsel, and the regional office for law enforcement all pass the buck. That's alright; when my book is published and I distribute 150,000 copies here in Broward County, there's going to be a shock wave and that's an understatement.

        • "these friggin cops...are going to break out my windows and drag me out of my truck..."

          Hey Troy, Do you think they would still do that if you had cameras everywhere like the google car; Uploading it to the "cloud" right away? Especially if you invited the local papers along for a good story? Papers need all the help they can get nowadays to increase readership. Let them know what you're going to do and your prediction of the reaction from policy officers ahead of time and see if they want to actually report on the "news".

          • Also learn to speak your rights.

            The 1st, the 4th; get a pocket constitution and when talking to the police use words of power in their meaning like;

            Officer have I committed a crime? What crime have I committed? Or; Officer what right do you have to curtail my rights?

            So officer your telling me I must remove myself from this automobile? Officer are you arresting me?

            Have you a Court order to search my vehicle? Officer What crime have I committed? 

            There are other people in here that will add to this.

            • Mr Quisno,

              I do carry a pocket constitution and the Florida Constitution and about 100 pages of case law, among other documents and the supremacy clause too.

              I know all the trick words/questions; birthday, address, vehicle, driver, how they try to contract and gain jurisdiction, etc.

              Been there, done that, it doesn't matter how polite you are. Even though it's your right to consult an attorney or counselor before questioning, they yank the phone right out of your hand.

              No matter what I said and what documents I had or facts proven, I was still arrested and my truck was towed, AND  there's no attorney or lawyer that will represent free travel over here.

              I've called hundreds over the past years. I pled not guilty to a case and filed a motion of failure to produce a valid cause of action and no subject matter jurisdiction, bla bla the whole shmeal.

              They put me in a room by myself; an empty courtroom and totally gave me the shaft. I kept yelling show me an injured party, and they laughed, the judge committed treason right there in front of my face too.  

              Also they locked up an 83 year old man over here named John Leo who is really sick and they also locked up a 90 year old man for some bullshit misdemeanor. The courts are making a killing from the federal gov. and the U.S. treasury on court cases.

              That's why I'm writing my book; 

              "Traffic courts exposed as Organized Crime"

              It should also say "Sheriff exposed as RICO RACKETEERING"

          • I have been trying every tactic I can now, in a peaceful manner, for over 6 years. I've contacted newspapers many times and even showed up in person. They refuse to report on anything concerning free travel. Neither will the media.

            Recently I have been in contact with Carmel Cafiero of Channel 7 news, when I emailed her with my story. She dissapeared. She kept referring to my views, beliefs and opinions instead of the Law, so I corrected her and said; "I am just the messanger boy with the hard core facts. It's the Constitution, and the UCC and the United states code, and Am Jur that proves that the Sheriff and the courts commit RICO violations. It's no opinion at all Miss Carmel" She never emailed me again.

            I've been through thousands at my own expense with tow bills and bail, etc, etc, etc. in the past and am not prepared for that again. When I get 1-2 witnesses and live streaming video I will go on the road again.

            The papers and media are very controlled to stay away from this subject, because the 9 billion dollar/year racket must be protected at all costs.

            Meanwhile I am working on my book to inform the people here, tickets and jail is a booming business. I think the Broward County, Florida Sheriff is the 2nd largest Gambino gang in the nation.

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