Everybody pays the price of funding our civil form of government by buying products made and taxed in America. However, now that every factory in America seems to be "Unionized", their unrealistic pay scales are pushing jobs out of the country to areas around the world where labor costs are low because it is more cost effective than dealing with union pay scales and strikes that hamstring American business.
That's why we have all these free trade agreements you see today like GATT and NAFTA. China and their favored nation status are the DIRECT result of backroom deals made with corporate business in order to balance the union's demands and keep the companies in business and paying taxes.
Unions and big business account for a large part of the lobbying that goes on in D.C. and you can see why. Huge amounts of money are involved in today's economy.
Too often however, unions from all walks of life and our Democratic Party in D.C. are tied up in group mentality and are engaging in corrupt activity at all levels. Their way of operating is to reward mediocrity and destroy initiative and excellence. That way nobody feels bad. This is groupism.
They speak of solidarity to the group, but they care not for the freedom or excellence of the individual inthe group and especially not the individuals outside the group. Freedom is the OPPOSITE of groupism. Freedom is all about individual opportunity and individual rights. Unions are pitting worker against worker; the exact opposite of what they claim to do. Unionism is group think. Socialism is group think. So is Communism, Fascism, and State Capitalism.
In my whole working life I was compensated for what I produced. It is called flat rate of a pre-determined rate of pay. As an auto body repairman I worked for a flat percent of the average time it takes to perform a task. This method pays for performance results, and if you do the job quickly or shoddily, the worker must redo the job for no additional pay. The method promotes work performance and work quality. The worker will have the incentive to hone his abilities to produce maximum quality work. The worker can, and often does, complete a 4 hour job in, for example, in 3.5 hours and still receive his percentage of 4 hours. Guarantees of pay, regardless of performance, with forbidden consequences has destroyed the pride in workmanship this republic was noted for.
...and that's the truth 5War.
Unions are a balancing reaction to capitalism, unchecked they become just as infected for profits from their host(s), hence more greedy because their realm of existence becomes the man made law ...when a company off-shores American work, it starts the cycle all over again with the exception of inheriting a bigger but alien union, the foreign country's gov't... the company's actions imply the foreign country is better (or it's a recurring donation, like Japanese car plants here), not only does the company sell out American work but it sells out American ingenuity to foreign entities.