In a democracy where the majority of the people are ignorant and uninformed it is easy for the financial elite to control the lives, liberty and property of the people. By controlling what the people believe is true they are able to obtain the consent of of the people enslave them.
The financial elite control the people by controlling what they are taught in the schools and by the information presented to us by the mass media . When individuals are brainwashed it is impossible for them to draw appropriate conclusions.
People to blindly obey give their consent to be the slaves of the Wall Street bankers and corporations. As stated by Goethe, "The most helpless of all slaves in the man who thinks that he is free".
In order to sustain life a man must have air, water and food, but in order to thrive he must live in a community where his life, liberty and property are secure. The only legitimate function of government is to protect the God given rights of the people. Any government that seeks to do more is a danger to people it is supposed to serve.
Whoever control the government becomes the master and those they claim to represent become the slaves. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, governments derive their just power from the consent of governed. It is obvious that it is much easier to gain the consent of on people who are sound asleep than it is to from those who are wide awake.
The men and women we elect to Congress are called representatives, but are actually our governors. They masquerade as servants. but take their marching orders from the Wall Street bankers and corporations.
The founding fathers knew the only way to prevent the abuse of power by our representatives was to makes sure that the people would adequately represented in Congress. In order to prevent the many from exploiting the few from exploiting the many, they mandated in the Constitution that each state would have one representative for every 30,000 inhabitants.
Over many years the bankers, lawyers and politicians have violated the Constitution and we now have districts which have metastasized like a canerous tumor.
By limiting the number of Congressmen and women to 435, Congress has become Country Club for representatives of the financial elite.
We can talk about this forever. Just what good does it do to bemoan the lack of proper representation in a government that has nothing whatsoever to do with what the founding fathers founded? The United States is a de-facto regime operating in commerce for profit under limited liability insurance. Its a bankrupted federal corporation that has usurped and displaced our de-jure republican form of government. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
So I ask, what difference does it make if we have 1 Rep. per 30,000 people [excuse me, 'persons' in their system] or 300 Reps. per 30,000 persons? It all boils down to the same old song. The Constitution for the united States of America has been shelved and replaced with The Constitution of the United States of America and that instrument belongs to the Creditors---the Rothschild/Vatican mafia who hold this country by the throat.
Try calling on even their constitution in court and see what happens. We no longer have laws in this country. We are ruled by public policy under bankruptcy where our rights and freedoms have been sublimated under Govco's wonderful benefits. The one that gets us all is the fact that since we were robbed of our substance [gold and silver] we now have the benefit of using debt instruments to discharge debt. We no longer have to pay for anything. We can just hand over a FRN which is evidence of Govco's debt and Bingo! we get the goodies without having to pay for them with money. For this wonderment we are forever experiencing the pains of abject slavery.
The only reason they haven't instituted the agenda outlined in the Georgia Guidestones of reducing world population to 500,000,000 is there are too many guns laying around and a public who is starting to rouse. They haven't quite gotten the right number of people to fall for the climate change, guns are the problem, we're a sick people because we 'hate' [personally I think hatred is perfectly viable and worthy trait-- properly directed], etc., but with their controlled media spewing all this imbecilic diatribe I guess they are hoping to garner more souls.
So we can rattle on about how unfair the representation picture is and it doesn't matter one iota. They are not listening to what we say because they don't give a damn. Their fake regime aping our original government is firmly entrenched and they appear to be not backing down at present. Although Americans have the firepower to win back their de-jure government, I'm not sure they have knowledge and will power to organize such an undertaking. Especially since we now have the entrance of the Knight on a white horse [House] who the right has projected is here to save us and our country.
B*** S***!!! He was selected by the mafia to assuage those bright enough to tie their own shoes that finally we are on the right track. Don't be fooled. We may enjoy Trump's hard words [I certainly do] but he is their boy and will do exactly as directed. His pandering to Israel, the biggest terrorist country on the planet, should be a good indication of that alone. All this crap [and it is crap for the gullibles] is nothing more than a gargantuan dog and pony show. If he wasn't their boy he would never have gotten past their magic vote counting machines. If he was truly a threat to the mafia he would have been deep sixed by now.
Wake up! Its not our government and we don't have any representation whatsoever so lets quit beating that false narrative to death. That's foolishness for those who still believe that their vote counts.