----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

8575539684?profile=originalAccording to Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 every state is supposed to have 2 senators an 1 representative in the House for every 30,000 people. Today we have 435 Congressmen representing 320 million people which equates to approximately 1 representative for every 700,000 people. If we were following the Constitution we would have over 6,000 Congressional Representatives.

All legislative power is vested in the hands of 435 millionaires who are working for the 540 billionaires. If the power of the 435 was shared with over 6,000 do you think we would be better off?

It is obviously a lot easier for the lobbyists representing the Wall Street Bankers and corporation to control the 435 corrupt politicians who are sequestered in Washington D.C. than it would be to control over 6,000 Congressional Representatives over 3,000 counties.


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