Average District Size
Rhode Island |
526,000 |
Wyoming |
563,000 |
Nebraska |
608,780 |
Iowa |
609,271 |
West Virginia |
617,865 |
Maine |
644,181 |
South Carolina |
660,756 |
Minnesota |
662,991 |
Nevada |
675,000 |
Hawaii |
680,151 |
Michigan |
684,545 |
New Mexico |
686,000 |
Vermont |
690,964 |
Georgia |
691,975 |
Texas |
698,498 |
Tennessee |
705,123 |
Missouri |
748,616 |
Maryland |
721,694 |
Wisconsin |
721,694 |
Minnesota |
662,991 |
Colorado |
718,456 |
Alabama |
682,819 |
South Carolina |
660,766 |
Louisiana |
755,562 |
Kentucky |
867,873 |
Oregon |
766,215 |
Oklahoma |
750,270 |
Connecticut |
714,819 |
Iowa |
609,271 |
Mississippi |
741,924 |
Arkansas |
728,980 |
Kansas |
713,280 |
Utah |
690,964 |
Nevada |
675,138 |
New Mexico |
686,393 |
West Virginia |
617,665 |
Nebraska |
608,780 |
Idaho |
783,791 |
Hawaii |
680,151 |
Maine |
644,181 |
New Hampshire |
673,085 |
Rhode Island |
526.000 |
Montana |
989,000 |
Delaware |
897,000 |
South Dakota |
814,180 |
Alaska |
710,231 |
North Dakota |
672,231 |
Vermont |
625,741 |
Wyoming |
563,626 |
By Population
California |
37,253,956 |
Texas |
25,145,561 |
New York |
19,378,102 |
Florida |
18,801,310 |
Illinois |
12,830,632 |
Pennsylvania |
12,702,379 |
Ohio |
11,536,504 |
Michigan |
9,883,640 |
Georgia |
9,687,653 |
North Carolina |
9,535,483 |
New Jersey |
8,791,894 |
Virginia |
8,001,024 |
Washington |
6,724,540 |
Massachusetts |
6,547,629 |
Indiana |
6,483,802 |
Arizona |
6,392,017 |
Tennessee |
6,346,105 |
Missouri |
5,988,927 |
Maryland |
5,773,552 |
Wisconsin |
5,686,986 |
Minnesota |
5,303,925 |
Colorado |
5,029,196 |
Alabama |
4,779,736 |
South Carolina |
4,625,364 |
Louisiana |
4,533,372 |
Kentucky |
4,339,367 |
Oregon |
3,831,074 |
Oklahoma |
3,751,351 |
Connecticut |
3,574,097 |
Iowa |
3,046,355 |
Mississippi |
2,967,297 |
Arkansas |
2,915,918 |
Kansas |
2,853,118 |
Utah |
2,763,885 |
Nevada |
2,700,551 |
New Mexico |
2,059,179 |
West Virginia |
1,852,994 |
Nebraska |
1,826,341 |
Idaho |
1,567,582 |
Hawaii |
1,360,301 |
Maine |
1,328,361 |
New Hampshire |
1,316,470 |
Rhode Island |
1,052,567 |
Montana |
989,415 |
Delaware |
897,934 |
South Dakota |
814,180 |
Alaska |
710,231 |
North Dakota |
672,591 |
Vermont |
625,741 |
Wyoming |
563,626 |
Each of the following states have 5 members in the House of Representatives and they are not equally being represented. Slaves counted for apportionment as three fifths of a person.
Kentucky has one representative for every 894,000.
Oregon has one representative for every 839,000.
Oklahoma has one representative for every 788,000.
Connecticut has one representative for every 717,000.
Alabama 7 Reps On per 696,000
Colorado 7 Reps One per 812,000
Florida Population 21,300,000 27 Reps One per 789,000
New York Population 19,845,000 27 Reps One per 735,000
1,458,000 Floridians are not being counted
Wyoming 1 Representative for 565,000
Montana 1 Representative for over 1,000,000
Rhode Island 1 Representative for over 1,000,000
Not a whole lot of represetation going on at all, is there....?