Well Folks,
I'm in Texas and my Dad is now deceased. He died Monday at around 10 pm. from complications due to prostate cancer. We will be having a Memorial service on Thurs. I will likely be returning to PA in about a week. So watch this video - tell me what you think.
My deepest condolences for your loss Morton . Our prayers go out for you and your family .
My condolences as well Morton
I lost my father in 1990, age 74 PROSTATE CANCER.
Very painful way to go...
Thanks for all you do on Constitution Club.
Sorry to hear about your Dad.....My condolences.....Just remember all the good times....
Morton Thomson the editor of the website's father has passed away.
My deepest condolences for your loss MORTON .. Our prayers go out for you and your family .
Very sorry for your loss, Morton