I wanted to say that the following I posted on a site that I belong to , and it had to do with the oval office occupiers lack of respect for we the people and of an officer who gave his life in the line of duty, and the occupier had three government represenatives attend the funeral of mr, grey , and not one soul let alone words of encouragement form that same office, for this white officer who was shot by a black suspect, gunned down in the street.
So form that perspective i wrote the following. Yes I wrote a book , so please bear with me .....
First off I want to say thank you to this awesome civil servant of the peoples. He gave his life in the line of duty, trying to protect the innocent from the lawless. Fortunately the criminal is behind bars, but unfortunately at the expense of this gallant mans life. My prayers and condolences are with his family. He is a true American hero, and I am extremely proud of him.
Now let us deal with the pos in the whitehouse, first off he is NOT the president of this country , he is a usurper, a fraud, a ruse, a liar, he is no chief, and he, his presence in the wh is a farce, he needs to be shown the door by the CITIZENS of this country, and lead to the gallos. He and his lover both needs the might of the American people (the sleeping Giant) to come down on their heads.
The deception of these two is atrocious, and those who behind them, paid for and backed them, need to be right beside them at the gallos. this moron was put into place to destroy this once wonderful beautiful country that the whole world looked up to with respect and honor, even our enemies feared us, but today they laugh at us, and don't fear us anymore, but exactly the opposite.
Community organizer....... noooot, because even a community organizer has the ability to organize things and people, uniting them with and under fundamental respect and causes. But this pos is lucky that his body has the ability to organize how his waste gets disposed of , because that's the extent of his organizational skills. This (no matter what his skin color) pos is a political activist for the communist party,and including those who have infiltrated our wonderful nation, and all in its government. He is not a traitor because in order for a traitor to be tried and convicted , he has to have been a citizen , this man is no citizen, this pos is a kenyan communist, so he isn't an American citizen, he is the enemy , he hates America with everything that's in him, and his call for "Hope and fundamental Change" is the destruction of this country, America we call home. And its our fault people.
How long have we known about this enemy and have done nothing , how much more destruction of and to this country , our rights, our heritage,our economy will we allow. Are we going to sit by and let this destruction continue before "We The People" converge on DC and remove him and all those in league with this imposter, from the hallowed halls of our White house and captital.
When a man embraces criminals and low lives he is one himself , human relationships 101! When one sleeps with , walks in step, bows to , our enemies, obviously he is one of them! An Islamists, an effective Jihadist, its as obvious as the nose on my face.
Need Examples?
1. Well how about the following. He has tried to spend this nation into debt and servitude , he has not held the welfare or the protection of the interests of this country set in his mind , but instead the complete opposite, the destruction of this country. He is our enemy, nothing more, and those of us who know this and have taken our oaths to defend this nation need to respond to this REAL threat appropriately. Folks what other stupid thing does our enemy have to do before we stand up and reclaim our country , our wealth , our heritage , our childrens birth rights and defend said things from this enemy of the USA. I cannot do this on my own, I don't have the neccessary things to do it. But it takes more than one person and those of differing colors , races, to see and understand that this enemy wants nothing good for any of them either. Except to writhe in hate for their fellow citizens of different colors and he has been very effective at doing just that to. That's why he will not attend anything "white" period. He hasn't the ethical, or moral abilities required by the peoples to be a "real " and effective, responsible, honorable, president of this country. This pos has done sooo many illegal things that have given rise to the necessity of impeacment on so many different fronts that it makes my head spin. The crimes are so detestable and grevious, that his ousting shouldve been done years ago. But those who are charged with the protection of this country have failed you and me and our decendents. They have done a grave diservice and injustices to not only the country, its Peoples. but to the constitution they swore an oath to uphold and protect from ALL ENEMIES foriegn and domestic ,and that's on both sides of the isles my friends.
How can a nation stand when those entrusted with the powers, of those willingly governed, have become nothing but enabelers of the usurpation , and willful destruction of our nation and its constitution, while The Supreme law Of The Land they have willingly disrespected and disregarded, They, all of them, need to be tried as traitors , and then lined up right next to the pos they have coddled, embraced and allowed to do great evils, as he pleased, to those who entrusted them with the nations purse. Usurping, and rendering impotent "The Great Will Of The People" they purported to represent, They have failed every one of us.
They are indeed coconspirators and outright blatant traitors, and as traitors they need to be held accounbtable by and to the peoples they have lied to and been not only complacent but with absolute disregard , failed to dutifully, with their obligational service to represent WE THE PEOPLE.
But I am afraid that those of us who's eyes are open will only be able to watch as this pos and his cohorts, completely destroy and dismantle this country and raise it to the ground before anyone will understand that ob hates them just as much as he hates our history, our riches, everything great this nation represents and has represented including everyone of you, anything that has to do with This once great Republic.
And he will continue, because that is his mandate, his theme, his call to arms, and that is to fundamentally change this nation.
He is the whole sum of the communist movement, all wrapped up in one person, he is a disorganizer, The Destroyer, a radical extremist, who wants to completely change this country, and take all freedom loving people and put us in chains period, without the hope of freedom or good future for our children and their children.
So as long as "We The People " allow it to take place he will continue to destroy the very foundations of this great country and its peoples, and everything we hold dear. And then who will the world have to turn to , when all they see is darkness after the light on the hill has been extinguished. The world will fall into complete chaos, and those of us who know the truth , and saw these things, the pos, and his cohorts for what they are and what they have done. Will our children say this ,"that in the end were only talk and no action..........." I see the final nail in libertys coffin coming in the form of the military enforcing martial law upon us. Well I don't know about you , but I didn't serve in the US military to watch as my beloved nation sinks into a third world country or worse, A military state. if you are under the delusion that your voting means anything , let me enlighten you ......it doesnt , and it hasn't since he took office. Our nations voting process has been controlled and manipulate by a few , bought and paid for by political parties, dead people. But the true voice of WE THE PEOPLES , snuffed out by a few minorities with tons of money. And that will never change until the people demand that paper ballots be the law of the land , and everyone of them counted, that is when your vote will count. and that's the way this country should be governed by the majority, BY THE WILL AND CONSTITUTION Of We The People , not a few minorities, special interest groups, lobbyists, or the military industrial complex, and yes it does exist folks.
So please I beg of you get the word out to your families and friends, get prepared for the up and coming fight, for our right not only to be free but to exist as a free nation, free from tyranny, exploitation , enslavement. Freedom for due process, freedom from military extremism and communism, dictatorship. Freedom to govern the directions of not only our own lives but to guide our children without government interferences, freedom to abolish the IRS and all the stupid oppressive gun toting agencies. Freedom of a free and unadulterated press. Minimizing government and the reach of their greedy hands. Especially freedom of religion, to worship it and practice of it in any way we deem acceptable. freedom of speech, abolishing fee speech zones, gun free zones and cities, freedom to keep and bear arms in any way we feel we want, and as many as we want. Freedom from govermental intrusion of our privacies. The afore things were the reasons our fore fathers came to this country to establish a free nation built on Christian values, which in and of themselves are not oppressive but common sense, and a lawful application of those things decent and good. They understood and knew what an oppressive government loooked and felt like . They didnt envision that this country would move to the state its in today, but just incase it did they put into place and preserved for us those things that when examined , we would have the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS, AND THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE NOT ONLY TO INSPIRE BUT TO GUIDE US INTO FREEDOM ONCE AGAIN. So if you happen to get put into any kind FEMA of camp, remember this. Our country rose from tyranny to become the greatest, strongest nation in the whole of the worlds history , not because of politicians but because of the will and desire OF THE PEOPLE to be and remain free, not allowing ourselves along with our Freedoms to be stomped into the ground by anyone or any nation. WE are the sleeping giant, WE ARE THE VOICE AND THE POWER behind our so called government not the other way around PERIOD, ITS NOT TO LATE YET for us, we only have to realize who holds the power , and use that power given us by our creator, the bill of rights and OUR constitution, and have the guts to use that power to restore this nation to its greatness, and rid our country of those who only want to oppress and enslave us. TRAITORS AND USURPERS. HOPE REMAINS, AND IT LIVES INSIDE EVERYONE OF US, THE TRUE POWERS THAT BE, THIS COUNTRYS CITIZENS ,THE SLEEPING GIANT. God Bless the People of this wonderful nation. ITS TIME TO AWAKEN THE GIANT !!!!!!!