8575447252?profile=originalMost of the decisions that are made on Capitol Hill are based on politics rather than the sound principles upon which our nation was founded. Sadly, those who occupy Washington are more concerned about being re-elected than they are in honoring their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

The best way to insure their re-election is to follow the agenda set forth by the financial elite. It would be political suicide to listen to the voice of the people and to do what is right. It has been said that "Morality is to do what is right, while obedience is to do what you are told."

Sadly it is harder to find a Congressman with integrity than it is to find an amoeba with a backbone. If those elected to serve could only serve a single term in Congress, none of them would dedicate themselves to being re-elected.

Perhaps we should consider taking the money out of the equation by choosing our Congressmen like we choose the men and women who serve on Juries? If the name of everyone who was ready, willing and able to serve in Congress was put into a hat, we could draw the names of our representatives without the corrupting influence that money brings. I would also like to suggest that the Congressmen like jurists would be paid no more than $20 per day.

8575482653?profile=originalThe House of Representatives should be the Branch of the Legislature where all bills are introduced and the Senate where the Constitutionality of the bills are established. The authority of the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution was a bogus concept based on the Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion that there were hidden powers in the Constitution known as Implied Powers. Thomas Jefferson had the opinion that any power that was not specifically delegated in the Constitution was prohibited.

The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is discussed in Article III and you will not find in Section or Clause that delegates to the Court the authority to interpret the Constitution.Judicial Review is an authority that the Court granted to itself. This action turned the court into a political action committee consisting for a collection of lawyers working for the banks.

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  • What about the priority of principles? Who decides that? Are the principles also constitutional intent?
    How do the answers relate to Lincoln's 1859 statement in his home star of Illinois?

    --"the people are the rightful masters of the congress an the courts"--

    BTW, I've thought about the lottery selection technique before and it is sound. But decent pay is important or only the wealthy that do not need the pay will submit their names. About $300 a day is enough, but only for actual days in the house. At least 6 hours.
  • I am a principles before politics kind of gal. 

    A key principle that need to be re-awakened in the hearts and minds of Americans is that this is OUR Country.   The governments (local to federal) are OURS.  We are NOT THEIRS.

    Of late decades, folks keep looking to Washington for answers.   Also, I've spoken to over 850 different organizations, parties, societies and foundations over the last three years that are focused on 'fixing Washington'.   This focus is important, but I also believe strongly there must be equal measure on fixing problems in our state and communities...and as Keith promotes...our Counties.  They are OURS.   Politicians can help us, but we must no longer let them lead us. 

    It's OURS.  We lead them...OUR politicians.  We are not theirs. 

    In historic language,  our govt is of, by and for the people.  We the people have let that morph into 'of, by and for the elite'  in which we the people are theirs...it's an illusion we must pop.

    Congrats on the Principles Over Politics topic.  It is a critical one.  It is also more comforting since it is without Political Drama when worded correctly.   I want less political drama.  I am not alone.

    • Hello Jesse, Excellent!  Between focus on principals and intention to unconditionally defend the constitution, we CAN defend it.

      Our communities have huge problems, and they are growing.  Without unity, no problems will be solved.

      Unity is the key to our rights, freedoms and our future.  We have been targeted for a "dumbing down".  This is serious because "we do not know what we do not know".

      I've pretty much determined that we might not want to know what we need to know in order to unify in defense of the constitution.  Of course, after it is too late we will want to know, but alas, it will be too late.  THIS is by design.  The infiltrators of the government following the civil war implemented a plan to do exactly as they have done with the effect I describe.

      I've been calling for focus on "prime constitutional intent", because if we can focus in our communities, that intent will benefit us there, and also make unity on scale possible that can see us compelling our states to conduct conventions in 38  of them, minimum.  Since it is "prime constitutional intent", simply by our focus, we will become "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts", which will enable our effective control of Article V.

      I have a thread about the proposal to make a defacto party informally that simply leaves the political box created by the infiltrators of the government after the civil war.


      But we have serious, deep divisions in our perceptions of what America stands for, what power is, what it means and how to create our own with dissolution of the artificial divisions created in our populations.  Free speech is NOT understood, it has a specific and vital purpose, and Americans pretty much refuse to discuss what its purpose is.

      • Correct on the Unity thing.  I am working with a project with a principle...and message....

        "Solutions Unite.  Politics Divides."

        Continued emphasis on politics is killing us.   And causing so much anger and angst.   It is my sense that to turn anger and angst into positive action...promote solutions.  Everyone wants solutions...not politics.   More and more folks are understanding that politics does not offer solutions...it creates more problems or even makes small problems BIGGER. 


        When a school is failing a community, parents and people in the community can unite to solve the problem.  Politics never will.   Schools get fixed because of people, not politics. 

        • Jesse, some people feel as though the 1st Amendment is perfect as it is. I've tried very hard to get our information vital to the survival of Americans, and free speech opportunity with the purpose of assuring information vital to survival is shared and understood does not exist.

          Watching innocent Americans die by the thousands because of the abridging has been VERY difficult.  It has been going on for 16 years for me.

          There was a doctrine called the "Greater Meaning of free speech" which a few framers fought to see included from the creation of the Declaration of Independence, but there was intense competition for inclusion of concept in the Declaration. It was left out in its entireity, but part of it was included, "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", 30% of the doctrine.

          The entire doctrine is this:

          The "Greater Meaning of free speech" is found through and understanding which can be made by using speech freely. From the understanding can come; forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance, respect, trust, friendship and love, protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

          The Iroquois Confederacy of six nations had used the doctrine for hundreds of years making many very civil societies.

          I've written a draft of a revision of the 1st Amendment using the doctrine.

          REV. Amendment I
          Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; Congress shall see that nothing abridges the freedom of speech and the primary methods or systems of it shall be first accessible for the unity of the people with its possible greater meaning through understanding one another in; forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance, respect, trust, friendship and love protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Congress shall see that nothing abridges freedom of the press in its service to the unity of the people; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances or defense of this constitution.

          How it would be implemented would be through states licensing of media corporations. Here is a rough idea of how that might work.

          Officially implemented, as a federal law recognized by all states, citizens would only have to gather a group with a common understanding based in facts, of information reasonably shown as vital, also showing how the presentation/perspective of such is currently lacking from the public information, satisfying the requisites the public must have to invoke the law in the creation of an understanding of the vital information from which can come; forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance, respect, trust, friendship and love, protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Citizens with issues developed in this way, with a relatively small number signing the petition qualifying it, would have a right to see compulsive state and federal control over network broadcasting licensure in order to compel adequate production funding and national broadcasting to effect the education of the public on given subjects.

          Needless to say, the public WILL become educated in a great number of issues that today are simply considered theory, rumor or not news worthy.

          What the doctrine does, is define what speech is publicly supported. All speech is free, but speech which has the qualities needed to created the greater meaning needs to be brought forward using public authority.

          Currently we have things like PBS and NPR which reflect the intent of the doctrine.  They are far too controlled and do not function fully.  They are corporations.

          Yes, people will learn things they do not want to know. However, those are things they need to know.

          For any who are critical of this, I have one thing to say and ask.

          Which mother or father in this nation will ignore or pass up the real opportunity to assure their child will grow into a nation that holds high and honors understanding that can create; forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance, respect, trust, friendship and love, protecting their life, their liberty and their pursuit of happiness?

    • You got it Jesse.

      Think bigger and you'll be where I was about 2 years ago with preparatory amendment assuring Americans are ready to be "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts"

      From your example;
      The parents fixing the failing school did so because they love their children.

      Because they love their children, the very same people will accept the definition of the purpose of freedom of speech; free speech has the purpose of assuring that information vital to survival is shared and understood.

      That group of people just agreed upon an element of prime constitutional intent.

      Article V states that all amendments must have constitutional intent.

      What school board member would dare disagree?

      What state legislator would dare disagree?

      Okay, the group knows the purpose of free speech. Now ask any one of them hypothetically that IF they had information vital to survival, something obscure, something effecting the entire nation; could they share that with enough people and get them to understand in order protect lives?

      Unless they are very wealthy, they will say "no".

      Even then, the very wealthy are far too socially conscious to bring "obscure" information out at all.

      At this point you have a group that KNOWS free speech is abridged.

      Now explain Article V and that all amendments must have constitutional intent. Explain that Article V had authority over the congress and the courts when 3/4 of the states are ratifying,

      Most in the group will be familiar with the diebold electronic vote issue and citizens united. You now have a group that knows the need for preparatory amendment.

      Believe it or not, it gets even better, but I'll stop here to see if you understand how this is basically the same as fixing a school.
      • Do go on.   I've enjoyed your post.  Particularly the fuller understanding of free speech...specifically mentioning the understanding and tolerance is an important reminder of what is missing today in politics, race cards and different intimidation practices to snuff out voices that are different in a PC world. 

        Also...I am familiar with the tremendous contribution of the Iroquois culture to our own.   I dislike schools won't give credit to native communities or our founding fathers/principles.

        But enough from me...

        Now some more from you...

    • I love your description of the functionality of people's principles
      Fixing a school, and can easily see how citizens appreciation for a simple thing like the root definition of the purpose of free speech could make them realize how far America has come from actual functionality of human community. The constitution is like a school in some ways. Although its discipline is applied to government, ther is no reason for it to not carry the principles the people need to survive, to maintain liberty in the pursuit of happiness. While protecting them from gov ever getting in the way of their using those principles in their lives as families and communities.

      Currently, the last 5 decades have been a slow usurpation of positive instinctual focus, hard won at least, by generations of Americans; by media. With that it seems natural for a generation of parents, grandparents and others to join in a massive purification of the power controlling our lives.

      It really is demolishing the political box covertly made for us by global elite bent on total dominance. If you read the principal party thread at patriotactionnetwork, you may have noticed the "write-in-ballot" concept. Voter registrars will accept this as far as I know, which means we need no permission and can just do it.

      However, it needs to be on a mass level, which is going to require some serious cultural pressure from citizens that understand our predicament and the solution. I can sense a dissolution of party differences recently as the economy is s run into a ditch and life's hardships become more dire.

      Understanding is really powerful for human beings, which is why the dumbing down had to occur to get us this far removed from the cultural function of our survival instincts.

      That needs revival, for this to succeed. Culture is about needs, people working together to see they are met, and having a good time doing it. So getting away from media is important, which uou already know in the work you've done.

      But there is an educational hill to climb, and we do not want to take any more steps than are needed. However, people need to understand, big steps are okay.

      For example; the past has been seriously altered making overall comprehension of the battle we face hard to grasp. The current situation really begins with the Magna Carta. A remarkable event in history seriously misrepresented by the written history we have. I'm posting on a phone right now so getting into it is not really possible.

      I did a fairly detailed explanation of the true history at the David Icke forum years ago.


      I found that with these search terms in a google site search.

      Christophera magna carta freemen site:davidicke.com

      In essence the civil war was another war by the Barron's and king upon the freemen. It had to be covert and it was for the most part not fully won. If the constitution is not upheld, then that is the final victory.

      The kind of culture we need has a sense of historical struggle for freedom. Although the simple principle of the purpose of free speech is plenty enough to unify beleaguered Americans to defend the constitution, their lives and the futures of their children.

      Understanding overcomes fear and hatred, bringing forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance and respect. That will suffice for unity adequate to break out of the box of partisan politics America is trapped in.
    • Imagine how Ben Franklin felt knowing that the Freemen who forced the king and Barron's to sign the charter, were a society he could not talk about.
      America was trying to separate from England and the more presentation was fairly complete by 1500.
      I have reason believe that the Indigenous Americans loved the truth about the charter. They were probably mystified why he didn't refer to it, ever. None of the framers did. It would marginalize them.

      Is the same true today?

      So Franklin relied on the wisdom of the Iroquois confederacy for promotion of the Articles of Confederation. But to integrate the principles I feel he, Jefferson and Washington knew a constitution must be formed as the basis of a republic.

      It is obvious to me that the principals of the bill of rights were resisted to a degree where "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" of the DOI were so resisted that they were not reiterated disconnecting them from the purpose of free speech.

      So with post I try to sort how to relate the principles to the republic enabling a fulfilling escape from the nonsense of party politics that is so prevalent today in the Tea Party for example.

      Jesse wrote:
      --"Congrats on the Principles Over Politics topic. It is a critical one. It is also more comforting since it is without Political Drama when worded correctly. I want less political drama. I am not alone."--

      It seems we need a culture of activism that counters and shames party politics for its dysfunction. Not directly, but by example. That I think you will agree with.

      The problem is creating context for the introduction of principle so deep, so inherently American that it stuns Americans with its sumple logic. I think we have to demonstrate exactly how heinous and manipulative aspects of the past are. The constitution is a product of that, and by doing this we explain its imperfections and inspire a desire to perfect it with the original intent.

      The purpose of free speech had been very educational for me relating to the psychology of modern Americans. Nobody rejects it, and nobody supports it.

      Therein is the reason I feel a larger discussion is needed to create context. About half way through, the greater meaning of free speech and the draft of a revised First amendment can be introduced to expand the principles into a social context that is very positive. It also creates context for preparatory amendment so people feel safe with the idea of promoting an Article V convention.
      It will create the kind of unity needed to test politicians and candidates as we as delegates to a convention on a state level.

    • Correction-the "more presentation" should be "misrepresentation"
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