The federal government isn’t happy. Nevada’s governor isn’t happy. And Cliven Bundy most definitely isn’t happy.
Farmers in Utah? They’re happy now.
All those emotions stem from a long-simmering fight over cows, which boiled over during the weekend.
For more than 20 years, Bundy, a Nevada farmer, has allowed his cattle to graze on federal land, and his main contention is that the government doesn’t really own the land. The Bureau of Land Management finally started rounding up the cows this weekend. They initially wanted to sell them at auction in Utah, but Gov. Gary Herbert argued that the whole controversy needed to be contained to Nevada. He succeeded, according to the Salt Lake Tribune, but Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval is still pissed about the whole affair.
“No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans,” Sandoval said in a Tuesday statement. “The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly.”
He took particular issue with the government’s decision to establish a specific area in which residents could protest.
“Most disturbing to me is the BLM’s establishment of a ‘First Amendment Area’ that tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution,” he said in the statement.
A park service spokeswoman told the Las Vegas Review Journal that the area was intended to do just the opposite. Roads had to be closed to protect safety during the cattle removal, she said, but the service wanted to make sure protestors still had an area to gather.
The fight dates to at least 1993, since which Bundy has refused to pay the federal government fees for his grazing cows, according to the Los Angeles Times. In 1998, a federal court told Bundy to stop letting his cows graze there. And, last July, the same court reaffirmed that order, giving Bundy 45 days to remove the cows before the federal government would. They started Saturday, acting on two federal court orders, they said in a statement that day.
“The BLM and the [National Park Service] have made repeated attempts to resolve this matter administratively and judicially,” the Nevada BLM statement read. “The agencies are now implementing two Federal District Court orders to remove the cattle. The BLM and NPS are working closely with local, state and federal officials to ensure that removal occurs in a safe and orderly manner.”
Bundy has insisted that his family owns rights to the land, which it has been working since the 1880s, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Nevada BLM’s statement
The Constitution is now being talked about every day . . the IRS, the NSA. the ACA, the BLM, all usurping powers they do not have and failing to recognise that the First amendment is a "LIMIT" on government not a right to the people.
As the Government continues to commit unconstitutional acts exceeding the Limits of the three branches. As more Americans learn how their privacy and rights to own property without limits is being dismantled by the huge Federal Bureaucracy - clean water act used to take you water and land use rights, the EPA-Endangered Species act taking the use of your land away using rats, flies, weeds, plants and tortoises to force farmers to stop farming on their farm.
As the Government overreaching touches more and more citizens the people will stand up and use Article V amendment powers by State Legislatures to take the money and power from Washington. All agencies that exceed the limits of Article I, II and III will be closed. The many States will use whatever they need and stop funding the other national mandates.
One world Government notions have been around since the time of Kings - it rose up big in the early 1900s through WW II. It has always failed. The electoral college requirement is in the Constitution so STATUTE laws can not change the method. To do this would require an amendment to the Constitution - I do not see 38 States to agree on that concept. Especially after they have seen the fallacy of the individual voter to elect Senators . . with the 17th amendment - all see this as a failed experiment that created a weak State government and a super strong usurping Federal Central government without Constitutional limits of any kind.
The problems with usurping in all three branches is that more citizens are learning the truth about required limits on Government in the Constitution. The people in the many States are waking up from a long long nap and are demanding the limits be put back on government.
If I recall when I lived in Nevada that they have a OPEN RANGE LAW . . if you do not want cattle and horses on you land you must fence them out. So the Governor should use that law to stop the BLM usurpation of States rights and power. The BLM does not have the money to fence the entire 600,000 acres . .
they used the money they received from foraging payments to buy out other ranchers around that area
The Federal government can only own post roads, military bases, ports, and other necessary buildings to conduct Article I section 8 enumerated power - which parks, monuments, reserves, species protection are not included so the State should own all land inside the borders of the State.
To all the outraged Citizens, The Governor could call the State Militia and the Highway Patrol to stop the looting of personal property by federal thugs. The Sheriff could call a Citizens posse to back up the Governor. We want guns, this is the way to use them under color of law.
We should be calling all our Sheriffs and asking what they would do in this situation. For instance will they come and try to evict anyone from there home when it it stolen by fraud or any other such action that takes away our property!
They need to get the Nevada Supreme Court to nullify the court order of the federal judge, standing on the 9th and 10th Amendment rights of States.
Then the country needs a constitutional convention to approve the removal of all "public land" within State borders from federal authority to State authority and ownership, along with plenty of other leashes to be put on the federal bureaucracy, beginning with the EPA, BLM, and the Endangered Species Act, among others.
To whom it may concern,
The government currently "owns" 90% of the land in Nevada. Really?
I've been HOUNDING my Sheriffs the last two weeks on this. So far the response is "Bundy is breaking the law". Trying to educate them everyday! It's hard though.
get the Open Range law in here lets see whs actually illegal here?Gthe Sheriff of that county needs to be recalled . Any one have information on him ill call if I know his number and ill get my sheriff involved as its pissing Sheriff Giddins off as well..