Dates of Ratification of the Constitution
The first inauguration of George Washington as the first President of the United States was held on Thursday, April 30, 1789 on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, New York. The inauguration marked the commencement of the first four-year term of George Washington as President.
The First United States Congress, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives, met from March 4, 1789, to March 4, 1791, during the first two years of George Washington 's presidency, first at Federal Hall in New York City and later at Congress Hall in Philadelphia.
Only 9 states were required to ratify the Constitution in order to establish the government for the united States. Virginia, New York, North Carolina and Rhode Island also ratified the Constitution after the government had already been established.
The states of North Carolina and Rhode Island did not become states until well after George Washington had been elected President.