----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • Please don't look at this as applicable in American courts. Jurisdiction of a court over you must have a constitutional foundation.

    A sovereign is subject to judicial branch courts only.  A 'citizen of the United States' is subject to all gov admin courts.

    Never offer anything in court unless you are trying to make a plea deal.  Never state you are a man, sovereign or anything else.  You must know what assumption[s] the court is making and deny them.  If you have made a valid denial, the rules of law denies the court jurisdiction until the plaintiff proves you wrong.

    For anyone to be prosecuted in any trial court today, since they are all under the legislative branch, the individual must be subject to fed jurisdiction. The term, 'citizen of the United States' or US citizen are the terms used.

    Therefore, when you deny being such a person, they must prove you wrong.  The law and case history all state this rule to be true.  I once read a fed appeals tax case.  The man claimed he was a 'dejure man' and all sorts of things.  The court affirmed the conviction and explained why.  The Art 4 USDC only as jurisdiction over 'citizens of the United States'.  The court openly stated that since he never denied being such a person, they could not address it.

    By their paperwork and rules, they are making certain claims.  You must understand what they are claiming and deny it.

    When challenged, jurisdiction is not attained until it is proven in the record. Even if the judge and prosecutor knows you are under their authority and they have the proof, until it is properly entered into the record, it is as if it does not exist.

    Note: The judges are very corrupt and will try and enter 'evidence' against you into the record. That is a biased judge and grounds for immediate mistrial. The only job of the judge is to rule on the facts in the record.

    • Yeah, I was just thinking that, what good is the advice if it pertains to British law.

      • You can demand a court of record and a jury of your peers , that means they have to be just like you , same color same money , same religion , etc. Don't let them tell you different . I F YOU'RE A COWBOY THEY BETTER BE ABLE TO ROPE A CALF .

        • For fed citizens, even just a jury trial is a privilege. Even if you get one, they are only advisory to the judge.

        • That way, you can be judged by a group of people who have walked in your shoes and THAT is what "a jury of your peers" is all about. On the head Joe.

          • Citizens of the United States, not having rights secured by any bill of rights and not being under the common law, have no right to a powerful jury of their peers and the judge makes this very clear in their instructions.

    • Adjudicate the judges oath , make him produce it . Also if they are elected to office they must have a certificate of election .

      • Which office were these public servants 'elected' into?  The U.S. is a foreign, for profit corporation, like Honda.  We are NOT U.S. citizens unless we consent to be.  As people, we can also revoke our consent.  There are people working on this remedy.  Roll up your sleeves and help out.  It's up to us...http://1stmichiganassembly.com/https://fourcornersdoctrine.wordpress.com/


        • Please do some studying on American history.  The state and fed constitutions determine your citizenship status.

          As for the gov being incorporated:  The constitutions do not grant the gov the power to increase its power thru lawmaking, thus incorporating for record keeping and business purposes has not effect on the powers and duties of the gov.

          • http://usavsus.info/

            "United States" is the "District of Columbia" incorporated.
            "The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State"
            Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. § 1785,
            Also: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S. 0.1973, 14 L. Ed. 287

            In UNITED STATES CODE, Title 28,
            in Section 3002 Definitions,
            it states the following:
            (15) "United States" means—
            a Federal corporation;

            the UNITED STATES

            (all capital letters--a fiction--a corporation)
            the United States of America
            the United States

            (intent or defined to be the corporate US),


            The Truth as I see it--The original government and the current corporate government are not the same.
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