Vacated Seats
This comes to us via Wayne Bachman from a comment in "The Dangers of a Salaried Bureaucracy" by Keith Broaders
I agree with all comments. Let me carry it one step further.
The problem (with the current administration), would immediately be solved if people would wake up to the fact that it is not an actual government. It is only feigning to be a government. It is actually a corporation registered in Delaware. I say, let the corporation collapse from its own corruption and let's all get registered with the Republic.
This is the same Republic that our Founding Fathers established; the same Republic which was vacated by Abe Lincoln, the same Republic which was re-inhabited by us in November 2010, after having put all 50 governors on notice to re-inhabit the "Republic seats" and take their proper Oaths, or they would be eliminated.
All 50 governors acquiesced, so we held elections for the Republic, and it has been up and running since Nov. 2010, but could use a lot more volunteers who happen to have a patriotic sense of duty. You can participate by going to Find your state, click on the link, and get registered.
Once you do that you will not be in the right jurisdiction for cops to have the authority to write tickets against you. Get your DSR (Document of Sovereign Rights) and learn how to extract yourself from the corporation. Let the corporation, along with the IRS starve to death.
I will look up the address for you to go to so you too can get your copies of the corporate registration paperwork registered in Delaware, and be able to prove the point to any Doubting Thomas who comes your way. There will be many; mostly sheeple and ostriches.
Re: Wayne Bachman