Same As It Ever Was...
- David Byrne - 1981
"The more things change, the more they stay the same."
- Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (Les Guêpes, January 1849)
We haven't changed. Humans. In 2.5 Million years of development and evolution, we have remained the exact same creatures we always were. Creatures of necessity. So what HAS changed?
Government, farming, knowledge, societal and political structures, schools, hospitals. Things like that. That's changed, But, ask ANY aboriginal South American Nomad who's never seen the modern world, what they value. The answer is the reason for this article. Because I can tell you what they would say. But you already know the answer yourself.
They would tell you what concerns them is the day, the night and their next meal. They would tell you of the hardships of their tending for their old and infirm, their young and their food. They would tell you not of glass or factories, but of travel to their next camp, with all they own on their backs, pets swaddled and children in tow and only the stars and the wind for a guide; and they would ask you questions like; "what's a bottle?"
The point is, we are STILL creatures of necessity and it has become abundantly clear, that it is now necessary for US to take the necessary steps, "to accept that which we cannot change, the courage to change that which we can and the wisdom to know the difference."
You see? Acceptance, Courage and Wisdom. I think I have gained enough wisdom by being here at The Club, to know that we CAN change our destiny, but we have to have the courage to make those changes happen. Everyone keeps saying we don't write the answers, we just talk. I beg to differ. And I hereby challenge EVERY ONE OF YOU to tell me about ANY answer that is better than this one.
Article One, Section Two, Clause Three, Sentence Three of our existing Constitution. State by State, County by County, Town by Town, we need to bring THIS ISSUE to our local town council, Sheriff, County Commissioners, etc. until We The People with our Citizen's Oversight Committees and proper representation in Congress are following the LAW, to whit;
"The number of Representatives shall not exceed One in Thirty Thousand..."
As we have been taught in our public schools, this is a word problem, (Words used to describe a mathematical relationship), and as such, we were shown how to convert the sentence into math terms and symbols so we could figure out exactly what is being said. So let's DO that. This is how I think that should look.
(One Representative) = The voice of (30,000 People)
In the Standard American Lexicon we speak, the dictionary defines exceed as:
"go beyond what is allowed or stipulated by (a set limit, especially of one's authority)."
In math, this means that the "set limit" is a fraction and as such to "exceed" a fraction is to "go beyond", this "set limit, especially of one's authority". This means that nothing about this "limit" can change; NEITHER NUMBER of that fraction TOP OR BOTTOM!
And did you notice, the dictionary actually says, "ESPECIALLY OF ONE'S AUTHORITY"? To me, nothing could be more clear. This was added to the dictionary to point out the need for this word in the first place to keep people in governing bodies from "exceeding" their authority over the people. Like I said, "clear". They have "exceeded" their authority.
In math symbols it looks like this
One Representative = The voice of 30,000 People - This is the "limit", AS WRITTEN in the Article.
What do we have today, in place?
One Representative = The voice of 710,000 People - This is THE VERY DEFINITION of "exceed".
And as we can easily see in math terms,
1 in 30,000 does NOT equal 1 in 710,000
In words, One for every Thirty Thousand is not the same number as one for every Seven Hundred Ten Thousand. PERIOD!
I cannot put this explanation in simpler or more easily understood language and I KNOW that without any question, if we fix this, we can fix everything else soon after, but it starts with "Just Say No" and knowing and insisting upon having and keeping your rights.
Comments? Questions? Answers?
He has given us a start to the solution. I see the only alternative is revolution. Since I do not believe that enough people would raise arms; I see no real alternative. Most people wont get out of their lazy boy to get out and help in their neighborhood. Most people are to lazy to do much of anything, They come home and watch the news, which almost every outlet is now a government mouth piece in way or the other, meaning they don't get the truth about anything. Then when it comes time to vote, they just walk into a booth and pick the name they remember the best. This is usually the person who has already been elected. If we can enforce the Constitution and make a representative for each 30,000 they become easier to affect with our opinion. Though I must say Morton that we must strike the 17th amendment and return the accountability of the senate back to the state governments. This will help return some of the sovereignty back to the states where it belongs. We need to get this back on track or just surrender and give ourselves over to the police state we have become. Every aspect of your life will be controlled.
Remember folks it wasn't even a 100 years and people could drive and did not need a driver license. They did not need license plates for their car. They did not have to get state approval to hunt or fish or to own a boat. You have no freedoms other than those you are willing to fight to have.
I think you are right about the 17th Amendment, but you will NEVER get that done without the cooperation of the Senators themselves, short of an Article V convention, in which case it would be time to get a hold of Mark Meckler.
The answer to getting ANYTHING we want is to get our voice back fist, IMHO.
Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand. I posted my first post taking the premise that Morton has given on the grounds that it is something we can achieve. Though I disagree with his interpretation; I see not much alternative. I would also like to hear anyone else's ideas. I talk to many groups of people. Groups have tried to rally people for causes and people just talk yet don't put it up when the time calls. This could be achieved.
Show me where I am wrong about my "interpretation" as you call it.
I call it math. The definition of exceed is probably your stumbling block. You think it means "no more than" and it CLEARLY does not. See definition above. It is correct. It clearly says "go beyond a set limit". Beyond does not mean "more than". PERIOD!
So show me where anything I have stated is untrue or "misinterpreted".
having just reviewed the actual document from the congressional archive. Morton is correct as long as that ratio does not exceed 100 representatives. If the number would exceed it specifically goes to 1 rep for every 40000. if that then exceeds 200. they then move to 1 rep for every 50000. Morton does have the right idea. because currently California has 53 reps and by the constitution they should have 783
Following the actual true documents rules; I have found number of representatives per several states for comparison.
Texas - 564,Ohio - 232 ,New York - 397 ,Virginia - 398 ,Florida - 398, South Carolina - 124, North Carolina - 207, Iowa - 105, Alaska - 19, Arkansas - 99, Colorado - 139. These numbers far exceed the number of representatives; yet it is the totals that should be there. If there were this many per state we would have much more accountability to the people. We would also find that the rich corporations would have a hard time buying off enough to have there way.
Also remember California's 785 representatives. They keep the number small so they can keep the power. I had to correct California from previous post 2016 gave me 783. their current population gives them 785.
Since the beginning of time, man's primarily goal was to survive. He needed food, shelter and a plentiful source of air and water. Our ancestors also needs a means of protecting themselves against predators. Many of the things we consider necessities are luxuries.
Men can obtain the necessities of life through the employment of their time, talent and creative capacity or they can steal the fruits of another man's labor. In a just society those who seek to harvest from seeds they have not planted need to be severely punished.
Following the Constitution is important, but there are 2 sides to this coin.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if we have 300,000,000 people in America, (I rounded the number down to make the math easier) wouldn't we need about 10,000 Representatives? (According to my calculator that's correct)
Now this would include offices, desks,computers,staff,electric bills,retirement funds,paid holidays,and vacations,travel expenses,etc. (Feel free to add to this list)
Not to mention these parasites continue collecting their full pay for the rest of their lives, even if they get voted out!
I don't know about you, but if you're like me, I don't think we can afford it.
Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. - Will Rogers
Yes but why do they collect for life. And why do they need all those sides and staff. Also why do they get medical care at our expense. I have to pay for mine. They should get paid a salary per hour. Not a lump sum. They should have to prove they deserve their salary. If the Senate were appointed like they were meant to be the state should pay them.
The bottom line on that is, that you just described some of the reasons we NEED to have more of the people's voice in charge. We would clean up things like that, because
So you see, when you look at the whole scenario and not just evaluate it as a static model, you will see, we actually SAVE money, not to mention expanding the voice of the people to its proper level. One Representative for every Thirty Thousand people.
And Oh by the way, when you add in all of these bennies and perks you find that we save even more. In fact, we save enough to actually pay the new people in Congress about $10,000-$15,000 / yr. for what amounts to a part-time job.