----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The Way The House SHOULD Work!

I would like to propose that The House of Representatives meet ONLY online and ONLY during the first ten days of January, April, July, and October. The remaining time of the year would be spent making themselves available to the people in their communities for a minimum of three days a week.

The Congressmen would also then be required to hold a quarterly Town Hall Meeting in the first week of February, May, August and November. The new focus of the members of The House would be:

  • To reduce the size and scope of the Federal government by determining which bureaus and agencies are absolutely necessary, eliminating those which are no longer needed or not authorized under the Constitution.
  • To repeal all Federal Laws deemed to be unconstitutional and to require that the Constitutionality of all new proposed laws be established prior to passage.
  • To strip the Supreme Court of the unconstitutional power of Judicial Review, (Marbury V. Madison, 1803), thereby returning the power "to the states respectively or to the people." - Tenth Amendment
  • To pass a law that would recognize the well established fact that life begins at conception.
  • To pass a law that would ban political parties from donating money to fund the election of political candidates,
  • To pass a law that would make it illegal for corporations and unions to donate money to support political parties,
  • To pass a law that would offer tax incentives to the mainstream media to provide Presidential candidates with an equal amount of free exposure in exchange for tax credits.
  • To pass a law that would strip the pensions from the members of Congress and have them rely strictly on Social Security like their constituents.
  • To pass a law that would prevent the President from engaging in any military action without the approval of two thirds of the members of both the House and the Senate.
  • To provide a new rule, that anyone running for The House of Representatives be required to take a test on the Constitution and score 90% or better in order to qualify as a candidate.
  • And finally that NO member of The House be allowed to be a lawyer, (as this creates a quid pro quo), or a member of and have allegiance to, ANY foreign organization, like The BAR for instance.

These are just a few of my recommended changes or requirements for the House of Representatives to begin the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

What changes would YOU make to Congress?

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  • "I agree with your list. I have joined a group that can put boots on the ground to Implement these and more changes. I invite every one to read more about it here.


  • Congressmen and women worked 131 days last year as when Congress was in session. The other 234 days they were working on raising money to get themselves re-elected.

  • I personally would like to see a repeal of the 17th Amendment. It was unlawfully declared ratified when it never was properly ratified and is unconstitutional in the first place because it eliminates one of the most important checks against political corruption.

    By having Senators appointed by the state legislatures, they can easily be recalled and replaced. I know this has nothing to do with the House, but Congress is broken and completely corrupt, top to bottom. I think this is part of a comprehensive solution.

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