----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Representation - Losing The House

State of The House

Boy are we in trouble! The latest word is that the Democ-Rats, (aka the Democratic Socialists or Progressives), are poised to take over The House in '20. Let me play Nostradamus for a minute and tell you what the future holds, should "we the people" lose control of our only voice. If we lose the House of Representatives because we refused to defend it, then war will be the only possible and ultimate outcome. Even the penultimate result would be a serious revolt by the people or even a full scale revolution. And you can quote me on that.

As a defender of the Constitution, I am appalled at the Ignorance and Apathy of the freemen and women in America today and for the last hundred years, which led us here. We currently labor under a corrupt, insider government, where it's not what you know, but who you know that counts. Power and evil, in its purest combined form, (corruption, mass delusion together), has reached the highest offices in the land. We have ALREADY lost control of our Republic.

Lets not continue to labor under the illusion that true criminal justice and economic freedom still exist as intended by our Founding Fathers. The three branches of governing are now one; working against the sovereignty of The American People and raping us and our economic freedom in the process.

There is already a "Constitutional Crisis" existent in every one of our united Republics, (States). In the Pennsylvania Republican Commonwealth alone there are currently 427 Seats REQUIRED to be elected to The House. Instead, we have only elected 18! What reasonable human being could consider this to be proper Representation for 13 Million People!? What happens when one guy has the power to speak for ONE MILLION people, like Montana, where there are currently over 960,000 people and ONE Representative. That's a lot of power! This begs the question; Why?

If there is a limit to the size of Congressional Districts, why are we not using Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, Sentence 3, as the Constitutional guide for this limit? To whit;

"The number of Representatives shall not exceed One for every Thirty Thousand,.."

Whereupon it was decided before any census could be taken that appointments of Representatives to each state would be immediately estimated and assigned according to this ratio, (One for every Thirty Thousand), no exceptions. So they decided that every state would get at least one but that;

New Hampshire could chuse 3,

Massachusetts could chuse 8,

R.I. and Providence Plantations could chuse 1,

Connecticut - 5,

New Jersey could chuse 4,

Pennsylvania could chuse 8,

Delaware could chuse 1,

Maryland - 6,

Virginia could chuse 10,

North Carolina - 5,

South Carolina - 5, and

Georgia - 3

A simple check of the approximated populations of the time reveals that the Constitutionally commanded ratio of one Representative for every thirty thousand people in any given area, (district), was the number they used to assign these seats, to the best of their then current knowledge about existing state populations.

It is time for Americans in EVERY REPUBLIC to stand up to ANYONE who would attempt to subvert this ratio and refuse to assign the correct number of seats to represent the people's voice in The House of Representatives. Until this occurs we will continue in our state of Constitutional Emergency. So;

This is one fact you can bring to your County seat, State Representative, Sheriff, Attorney General or better yet the Governor to ask the simple question;


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  • That's right,

    Fifty Eight Representatives! And in 1790, there were 65 Representatives for only 3,929,214 People! That works out to about 60,000 constituents per district.

    However, that number fell when they boosted the number of Representatives to 105 for a population of 5,308,483 in 1800 resulting in a ratio of about 50,000. More in keeping with the upper limit proposed by the Apportionment Amendment as part of the originally proposed Bill of Rights.

    The current ratio of one Rep. for every 700,000 people is therefore, preposterous!

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